I went to Grandma Hunt's wake last night. It looked really nice there. Poor Grandpa Dave looked so heartbroken, but he smiled and hugged everyone and stood by the coffin all night, and i'm sure he was there all day too.
My Grandma looked so pretty lying there, it was so erie. It was almost as if she was sleeping, and i swear to god i could see her open her eyes, or smile, or grab my arm like she always did when she laughed. I seen her do that, in my head i guess because she still layed there. I cried.

So erie..

After paying respects we walked around to represent my Daddy, her son. My Mom and i talked to old family members, to my Aunts. I hugged my Aunts and cried even more, then we went to look at the pictures they had put up of the family. There was an image of my Grandma, my two Aunts and my Uncle and my Father...I couldn't stay away from that picture. Something about the look on my Father's face brought back so many familiar emotions that i just wanted to rip it out of the frame and go off hugging it in a corner.

We stayed there until everyone had left. Once my Uncle was done greeting everyone he had come to sit down and i made sure to sit beside him. He looks so much like my Daddy.

The funeral home was the same place were they held my Father's wake. It seemed bigger then...
I was so little then that i didn't go to the funeral, or atleast i think i didn't. I kind've wish that i wasn't so childish or ignorant or oblivious back then, i wish i could have been one of those children that acted like an adult in those kinds of situations. I wish i could've been able to show him some sort of respect at that time.

After the wake we went back to my Grandpa Dave's house. We sat there with my family and chatted for a while until around 10:30 and went home. Now today we're going to the Funeral and i'm bringing Isaac with me. Jake is being a pallbearer, a person who helps carry the coffin. I hope he does alright with it.