At the funeral service we sat right at the front, one row away from it actually. (The very front row was reserved for pallbearers and for immediate family such as my Grandpa.)
We sat for a while before the service started since we had arrived early. The whole time my Grandpa stood up front beside the coffin, staring sadly down at my Grandmother and being strong and smiling when people came to pay respects.
The main thing i remember from today was watching him look down at her and say, "I love you" before going and sitting down for the service to start. I started to cry then.

Through-out the service my eyes were dry until Grandma's friend from her church went up to sing. She fought hard not to let her voice crack from holding back tears and it was a very strong thing to do. Her song made me cry and a few minutes after that they brought Grandma out and put her in the herse and i was bawling.
Thank god Ikey was there...I couldn't of done it without him. sad It helped because i think i would have made myself stop crying after that point, and i needed to cry and get everything out. I didn't want to hide it from my family.

After the service people gathered around out front and i got to meet my cousin Ryan for the first time in a long time. (I had a big crush on him.) He's still pretty cute, and he's got a tounge ring now. I was happy to have him around too because he's around our age and i feel as if i could relate to him better than i could've related to my Aunts.
We went down to the lounge for a few hours for cheese and crackers and coffee and for the family and friends to talk and remember the good days with my Grandma, that whole bit. The room was tiny and there were a lot of people, poor Ikey must have been so nervous. I felt so bad for him.

After that, we took the flowers back to my Grandpa's house, stayed and talked for a while then went out for dinner. It was Me, Mom, Ikey, Shane, Kirsten and Meaghan. (Megs didn't go to the service since she didn't know my Grandma Hunt, but it was Shane's weekend with her so thats why she was there. Jake had to work.)

I feel so bad that Ikey didn't get to go to the movie with Brandon and his friends. He had been with me all day and the worst was over, so he could've gone. sad I'm so greatful to him for coming with me today...I couldn've have done it without him. Ikey, i loves you so much.. <3, thank you, thank you, thank you.

RIP Grandma Hunt, i love you.