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I'm a fangirl. So sue me. x3;
Blue's Tribute....right after the rant.
yeah, i know. this is well over a week late...i was planning to have it up by last teusday, but....stuff. and im gonna talk about them. first: TOO MUCH WORK!! its the last week of calsses, so al of the projects, presentations, really hard homeworks, and last minute tests are gonna happen. so yeah, work work work. second: my parents r getting awfully suspecious. my sis is getting on Gaia way too much, and she doesnt bother to hide it. my parents dont know that we're on gaia...as a matter of fact, they said no to gaia. so if they find out....yeah. problem. so i cant get on at home anymore. third:...there is no third...not really, no..

anywho, Blue's fic....or actually, the fic i wrote for Blue Logic to try and get her head to burn. i hope it works. its not what i wanted, but its good. and childish. and happy! not an agnsty fic for once! XD

well, here we are

Good Day!

Blue Logic was very tired. She had just hiked through all of Sadal Suud just to find her way to this…place. It was a hill, facing away from the sun, and it sometime near noon, so…she couldn’t really tell too well. She had logged onto her computer earlier that day to find a message on her Gaia PM’s by her friends asking her to come here for a surprise. Of course, she had heard about ‘here’ before, but she didn’t know where it was exactly…and now she had spent a long time getting to ‘here’ for her surprise, but there was nothing here…or so it seemed. As she walked towards the edge of the hill, she found a thick, brand new book sitting on the ground innocently. Blue picked it up, and she saw that it was a Sherlock book—a series of Sherlock stories. She was very delighted by this, and sat down and started to read, waiting until her friends showed up.

After a while (which was actually two hours and a half), Blue stood up and stretched. She was getting quite cramped from just sitting there. She looked around the clearing to see if her friends were in sight, but they weren’t. The only things that were there were the bushes around the edge of the clearing of the hill and a large, middle-aged tree (that is, if trees could really be middle aged). She walked towards the tree and sat under its shade, and she relaxed a little. This was much better than sitting in the heated sun. So she started reading again.

After another while (it was an hour and a half, this time), Blue stopped reading. She was hungry now, and her friends still haven’t showed up. She heavily decided about leaving. But…what if her friends showed up while she wasn’t here? She’d miss the surprise, that’s a fact. And she didn’t want to miss the surprise, or her curiosity was going to poke at her and eat her up. Not to mention that all her friends were going to be very mad at her, not to mention that they’d never tell her the surprise otherwise. Well, Ocarina might, but not the others…maybe. She sighed; there was no choice but to stay here. Well, might as well not be so miserable—she decided to take a nap.

She slept quite peacefully that she didn’t even notice the many noises around her. Sure, she heard them, all the way down to her dreams, but she didn’t notice that they were outside her dream. So she kept on sleeping. Long after the noises subsided, she opened her eyes to a sight she didn’t really like or dislike. Her book—yes, her book, for this was a Sherlock Holmes series book! And there was no bigger fan than her!— was not in her hand, where it was before she napped. No, there was a person sitting in front of her who was flipping through her book. For a reasonable person, the person in front of Blue Logic was quite a…different…figure. He was very pale, wore a strange armor, and hade the weirdest hairstyle, which included a lot of colors—especially blue—and a mohawk-ish hair style?…wither way, people would naturally stay away from him. But not Blue. Oh, no. definitely not. Not after he took her book. With a frown, she sat up and snatched her book out of his hands. “Hey!” he yelped, “What was that about?”
“Didn’t anyone teach you not to touch other people’s stuff?” Blue replied, with her annoyance echoed in her tone.
“It wasn’t like you were awake so I could ask you! And I wasn’t planning on talking it.” Then he looked at the book in her hands, “What kind of books is that anyway?”
“It’s Sherlock Holmes,” she answered, adding “It’s a mystery novel series” when she saw his questioned look.
“Oh,” he replied, then he shrugged, “eh. Never liked books anyway.”
Blue rolled her eyes, “figures,” she told him. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“Mmm. Nothing. Just wandering.” He answered passively as he faced the sunset. “you?”
“I’m waiting for people who haven’t shown up yet…” she also turned to face the sunset. They were sitting side-by-side now.
“Not very punctual people, are they?”
“Never were.” They sat in silence. They both knew each other’s name: he was Folon, she was Blue Logic, or just Blue, for short. They never addressed each other by name, but they always knew that they were talking to each other. And now, after a somewhat rude awakening, they were sitting side-by-side, enjoying the sunset.

Of course, they weren’t able to see the here people hiding around them. Two were in the tree, and the last one was in a bush. All three of them were refraining from giggling madly. They wanted to see where this was going. They were Blue’s long awaited friends. Their names were OcarinaOfTime (Ocarina for short), Moonlit Star (Moonlit for short), and Sazuka57 (Sazuka/Zazu for short). All three of them were being very patient for something to happen…but when was it going to happen?

Apparently, the answer was soon. Folon abruptly threw himself backward, so that he was lying on his back. Blue gave him a weird look, a look that he was used to. And she knew why he did this: he like do see the stars as they came out. So she kept quite and lay back as well. This was something they did together whenever they met, and that wasn’t too often in itself.

Ocarina whispered to Sazuka, who was also in the tree with her, with singsong, “Looks like its starting~!” And start it did: Folon was now holding Blue’s hand, and Blue was trying her best to not run away. Blue was a strange person, for no matter how much she was happy, she always tried to run away from it. And right now, she was trying to make Folon let go without hurting his feelings, and she wasn’t succeeding. Then Folon said something that the three girls couldn’t hear, but it stopped Blue from struggling. Blue replied to him, and they started talking, but the girls couldn’t hear anything.

Sazuka was used to this. She had been around a lot when Blue and Folon would have a quiet conversation like this. As a matter of fact, she helped start many of these talks. So it was normal for her not to overhear anything. She looked towards where Moonlit was hiding, and saw that Moonlit was getting very curious. Then she looked at Ocarina, and saw that Ocarina was so very curious. As a matter of fact, Ocarina was trying to lower herself so that she can hear better. Sazuka wanted to warn her, but then she would have blown away their covers. So she kept quiet and hoped that Ocarina wasn’t going to fall off the tree…but Ocarina, being Ocarina, lost her grip and fell.

Boom! Ocarina fell to the ground. Upon seeing this, Blue and Folon instantly sat up, and, to Blue’s disappointment and delight, Folon let go of her hand. Moonlit jumped out of the bushes and ran towards Ocarina, “Oh no! Are you OK, Ocarina?” she asked. Ocarina sat up and rubbed her head, “Oww…I’m fine.”
“Of Course you are.” Sazuka said, jumping down from the tree, “you landed on your head!”
“Oh, haha. Very funny.” Ocarina snapped back. She got ready to argue with Sazuka, but…
“What’s going on?” Folon interrupted them, his eyebrows raised. The girls looked at him and Blue, who had a look of annoyance on her face, then went back to talking amongst themselves. “Oh, Darn it! I blew our cover.” Ocarina said sadly.
“Ya think?” Sazuka replied, “You had to be curious, didn’t you?”
“Well, yeah! I wanted to hear what they were saying!”
“Ladies,” Folon interrupted, “What are you doing?”
“Yeah,” Blue agreed, trying to sound as calm as possible, “What’s going on?”
The girls stayed silent for a while, then Moonlit spoke, “Well, it’s like this…” she trailed off. What was she supposed to say?
“We know what you were doing, but what’s up with that?” Folon clarified his question. Sazuka shrugged, “Eh, we wanted to have some fun. And you guys haven’t seen each other in so long, so…yeah.”
“Wait.” Blue spoke, “you set this up?”
“Yeah,” Ocarina started, “we sent you the PM and left the book here…or me and Moonlit did anyway.”
“And I went and talked to Folon, telling him that Ayme was looking for him around here.”
“So you lied?” Blue was fuming now, but Sazuka shook her head, “No. it wasn’t a lie. She really was looking for you around this area. But I led her away from here, telling her Folon was in Pherkad.”
“That’s where I was first…” Folon trailed off, “Where is she now?...”
“Who cares?” Blue answered. “She’s not around here.” Blue did not like Ayme one bit. A lot of people didn’t like Ayme one bit. Folon was one of them, but Ayme was a scary person when she was mad, and she always went after Folon when she was mad. Plus, she was strong when she was angry, and that wasn’t very comforting. The three girls agreed with Blue, but, as if to prove them wrong, a loud, shrill, and very angry voice broke through the peaceful atmosphere of Moonguile Forest, “FOLON!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!”

The five people in the clearing all freaked out. “Time to escape!” Ocarina yelled, “initiate escape plan!!” The escape plans were something that Ocarina was always in charge of, and this escape plan was quite…brilliant, in its own, special way.

Following the plan, Moonlit, Sazuka, and Ocarina ran forward, grabbed Blue, held her above them, and ran off, leaving Folon behind. Blue realized what just happened—that she was being held over their heads like a log—and realized too late the Sherlock Holmes series book wasn’t with her. Before she said anything, the book landed right on her stomach. She looked around, and saw that Folon was running beside them.

The five (or four, since Blue wasn’t running with them) got onto the main road and quickly approached a fork in the road: one was back to Gaia and the other towards Pherkad. “You three are in huge trouble next time!” Folon told them.
“Yeah, yeah.” Sazuka replied, rolling her eyes, “I’d like to see you do anything about it.”
“He wont.” Blue said, “I will.”
“Nice,” Folon declared. “See you later!” Then he headed down the path to Pherkad.
“Thanks for today…” Blue trailed off. She was too late, and she knew it. As her friends hauled her down the path back home, she sighed deeply. This day was terrible. It was no fun. Oh, who are you kidding? She asked herself, you had fun and you know it. She sighed again, That’s right. Today was a good day. But I’ll just keep it from Moonlit, Sazuka, and Ocarina. They don’t need to know. Not after that shenanigan.
well, tell me your thoughts. i think i deserve it after writing this, no? and be generous.

oh, this is my last fic this semester. im gonna have fun in vacation, and it deosnt include writing fanfics. it includes BKO, videogames, WOW, shopping....

User Comments: [21] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 01, 2006 @ 12:03am
xd *laughs madly* ...hic...sniff...I can't decide if I should I feel sorry for Blue or what, heh heheh hehehhHAhahahHAHAhaHH...

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 02, 2006 @ 12:31am
eek burning_eyes
rofl heart
I laughed! I cried!
Actually, I cried from laughing!
Zazu, you little snake in the grass!
You bloody strange, genious, loveable snake in the grass!
You know me so well it almost scares me.
Ah, but what I was getting at....
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

Blue Logic
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 02, 2006 @ 02:02am
biggrin Thats a good sport! *pats Blue on the back*

...don't know if I could have done it...

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 02, 2006 @ 08:26pm
omg!!! rofl that was great!!

I DO NOT FALL OUT OF TREES!! *evil glare*

Community Member
Blue Logic
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Dec 02, 2006 @ 08:45pm
Ocarina, you totally fall out of trees.

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 03, 2006 @ 02:25am
xd That was ten kinds of awesome.

And how'd you know I'd rather hide in a bush than climb a tree? You scare me sometimes, Zazu. But in a good way. ^^

Moonlit Star
Community Member
Blue Logic
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 03, 2006 @ 03:10am
I think she has PSI. eek
Me running away from what makes me happy.
I dont belive anyone has ever put me so correctly before. o.o

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 09:03pm
Wow! 7 comments! that's a record!! XD

and dont have PSI, just ESP. XD

and Moonlit, that was a coincidence, i swear. 0.o

Blue, im glad u liked it!

Ocarina, u do too fall out of trees. u're just THAT blonde. domokun heart that's y we love u.

and i love u all. im glad u liked it. heart heart heart now if i can get a noble peace prize for this.....XD

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Blue Logic
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 09:56pm
Ill so make you a noble prize. D:
*huggles your journal*

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 08, 2006 @ 07:56pm
XD thank u.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 29, 2006 @ 04:14am
I wouldn't of believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself. :3
Now I must write something... XD

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 29, 2006 @ 05:00pm
Ok, now Im afriad again.
Whatcha gonna write Alaina-chan? Two Bonds?

Blue Logic
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 06, 2007 @ 05:28am
she could mail me her Lyude plushie as a rewrd instead of writing something.....<3


commentCommented on: Sat Jan 06, 2007 @ 08:03pm
Its a good idea, but then she might steal my Folon plushie!

Blue Logic
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jan 08, 2007 @ 12:03am
hm..that'd be no good. if she tries to do that, then u should lock her upsomewhere, yes? :/

commentCommented on: Mon Jan 08, 2007 @ 12:42am
The mental house?

Blue Logic
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jan 10, 2007 @ 11:12pm
wherever u see it fit. i just want the Ly Ly plushie. >.>;

commentCommented on: Sun Feb 11, 2007 @ 01:49am
god what ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? question question question question question

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Feb 11, 2007 @ 06:13am
erm...Hula, i cant understand that comment. please explain?

commentCommented on: Mon Feb 19, 2007 @ 02:34am
stare Bridie, write a new entry, please??? gonk

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Feb 21, 2007 @ 02:08am
sorry Veggie. I will, soon. promise.

User Comments: [21] [add]
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