Wow I can't believe me and my friends and other people are geeking and freaking out over AX because I mean it is 7 months away but other wise who cares I love AX and I am willing to count all the days >w<. I am hoping I can sleep at the convention center this year because that would be awesome then I would stay up all night and then sleep on the floor one night and my life would be complete. My friends are coming with me one who has been going I think as long as I have and the others it is all their first time lol I hope no one makes fun of them I would have to hit them with my Kiki XP boy that wasn't very manly at all but then again when am I ever, well there is that occasional time when people make fun of me TT-TT then I just get mad. I can not wait till AX I am cosplaying just look in my About Me section and no I do not really have the Panda Hat, Mini Angel Wings, or the Kiki Kitty I wish I did and that is why I made a quest thread you can visit I will have the link in here. So yeah if you are going to AX be sure to read my About Me section because you will know what to look for when are looking for me hopefully. So yeah I have had past bad experiences at AX but I still want to go back. So that pretty much wraps this whole thing up be sure to leave a comment because I luffels them and leave a comment on my profile because you get gold and who doesn't want gold.