I am happy. whee I got my first Oopmh! CD in the mail today. Interestingly enough, from Russia. The person said they were stationed in England. So...I dunno. >.>; I like eBay. Really I do. But Russia crushed the CD case. I was rather relieved to find the CD in one piece and not scratched. *Phew* Ya know, I also had two hours less of school today. The Midwest has been experiencing one hell of a weather system. And I doubt I'll even have school tomorrow. Which is nice, since that would be my first snow day in around 4 and a half years. No need to do a snow dance anymoe.
Though I hope I don't have to wait this long again for another snow day. So many years of hoping without effect does something to ya. Can't quite explain what, but I've been really tired today. I'm hyped up on something, and it ain't Dero's switchblade sideburns. ninja Maybe my cold is just wearing me out. I thought I had gotten over it last weekend, but I had a relapse so now I'm not feeling to good again. This will be the longest cold I've had in a long time. Every one up until now has been easy to get over. Guess I was due for a troublesome cold then, too.
Well now, Towns is calling to me kiddies. I need to answer the call. Strange and horrible place it is, pissing someone off over the internet is way too much fun.
Nighty night.
Einhaender · Thu Mar 01, 2007 @ 11:59pm · 0 Comments |