Gah, so much crap going on lately. I'm not going to be able to relax until Thursday! And even then, I need to catch up on my hobbies that I've been neglecting...namely studying Russian grammar. sweatdrop
HUGE math test on chapter 12 tomorrow. I still need to make up a cheat-sheet and study a bit. I don't have the best possible grasp on the concepts and it's going to be a killer.
Spanish re-test tomorrow, tambien. Teacher gave us a packet on chapter 4 plus an extra page on preterit vs. imperfect that she made up. I'm sure I did perfect on the packet but I bombed the page she made. So she's going to have everyone re-take it tomorrow. Her teaching methods bother me a lot. She introduces a new concept, no one understands it, so she decides to move on and let it settle in our minds for a while. Even though no one understands it. Then she digs it up a few weeks later with a grand old test and everyone fails. No wonder, right? Well, she lectures THE WHOLE CLASS about how everyone there are 'immature learners' and how we'll never survive in college if we don't start studying. Yeah, OKAY. She's full of crap.
I'VE BEEN NEGLECTING MY RUSKY! Seriously, I only ever have time for it on the weekends now. And even then, I'm relaxing or stressing about next week's work. I am SO ready for summer vacation. Only one more month or so then I'm free. Free to study Russian whenever I want for however long I want. I'm farther behind than I'd like. It's difficult, though, because I'm a slow learner and this grammar is so hard. Plus, I'm bothering myself because I'm learning grammar and not the language, a process I'd like to reverse. That's why I'm getting Rosetta Stone Russian for my birthday next month...need to GET CRACKING. After I learn Russian, I wanted to move on to Italian. biggrin So...well, you know, Italian should be easier than Russian. Or so I've heard. So maybe it'll be a little relief from Russian. This is great - I'm learning Spanish, Russian, and eventually Italian. Part of me wants to change my schedule around for next year so I get German in there...I took some in elementary and it was pretty fun. I caught on fast...maybe that was because I was so young? I dunno, I'd like to think I have a knack for foriegn languages. heart They're so much fun and they put speaking and understanding things (in English, even) in a whole new perspective. Ha, I wonder if I'm ever going to use the languages I learn later in life. If I ever decide to be a languist or something like that, then, yes. It's a possibility. I hear they get good money because they're needed basically everywhere. That'd be fun....
But then, I'd have to throw my dreams of being a dentist out the window. (Okno in Russian. xd ) I always wanted to travel, though...I always wanted to see Europe, New Zealand, and Russia. It seems like I have so many dreams of going places and doing things that would drastically interfere with my plans of success. I mean, I'm going to be in school until I'm 30 if I want to be a dentist. If, by slim chance, I've managed to get a husband or have a child, I'm still going to have my hands full. When am I going to have time to do what I want? sweatdrop I keep telling myself that I've got 80-some years to do that, but still! You never know what life's going to throw at you, what if I can't make it? .... Wow. I just...totally understood Vitas! Which is weird, because I hardly ever GET what he's talking about. Anyway, in Star (Zvezda) he sings about a goal being to close and yet so far. About how he's begining to doubt himself and his ability to reach it. Saying that he's going to have to give 110% to get there, and he doesn't even know if there's a purpose. Line: Don't burn out, star of mine, wait! ....I get him.
Laughs, I feel strangely content. Now, it's late, and I need to tackle tomorrow. Wish me luck and chastya, heart Thaddeus
ThaddeusTheThird · Wed May 02, 2007 @ 02:34am · 0 Comments |