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KC's Journal of nonsense...
My journal will describe funny and stupid things that happened to me.
Spring, the beautiful season of love... ~ heart
Also, the most horrible season of my current life! But no worries guys, it's over in one month and then summer pops up with its heat and festivals of all sorts. I am really sorry for all my beloved readers that I haven't posted an entry since february which is like 3 months!!! eek I was really busy (stressed) by school and other things. So I will give you guys an update of my life since my previous entry and separate this entry in 5 sections. The sections are : School - Job - Family - Love - Activities. Like that, you can just pass to the section you are the most interested in because school sucks and there's nothing good about it. My love life also sucks so I'm just gonna rant and b***h about it. Feel free to skip those sections and obviously, some sections will be longer than others. 3nodding


I survived my 1st year of cegep at Marianopolis College and I am so happy that it's finally over after what seemed like the worst school year of my 17 years of life. Unfortunately, I failed art history this semester and I'm taking it during summer school because I don't want to go through that class in an entire semester. I would literaly kill myself if I had to. Yes, how the hell can I fail art history? Seriously, I failed my 1st test but then I started working harder in that class and I even got help by the teacher. Ok, she's not a b***h even though my friends believe she is. She was really kind with me and took time to explain how to describe a painting with the elements she wants. I was well prepared for the 2nd test and it seemed way easier than the 1st one. But I got only 1 point more than on the previous test. Extremely surprised, I went to see the teacher and asked her why I had such a horrible grade when I studied more and found it easy. She said that I did well on the 2 first parts, but the last one with paragraph questions were a disaster. She told me what I should say when asked something so I would have less problems when I have to do them over again during summer school. Plus, she let me photocopy my last test so I could study it and see what I shouldn't do. This is why I believe that Spriggs isn't that much of a b***h, well not in private at least. Yes, I'll have art classes from 8:30 to 11am on weekdays. It's gonna be such a pain getting up so early EVERYDAY. gonk I'm passing all my other classes, even macroeconomics which I was afraid that I might fail. This semester, I've been working more and you can see it by the improvements of my grades. I'm really proud of myself on that point! For my 2nd year, I'm gonna do all my work in advance to hand it all on time. I'm gonna take real notes in ALL my classes and not SKIP classes except for VALID reasons. I need to have great grades if I want to get in McGill university since I need a high R-score (average of grades compared to the grades in your program which is higher if you want to get in science). Also, I'm not going to get too involved with my cegep friends. I've decided that I'm going to stick with the cool kids. I just feel more close to them now than to the weirdos. Seriously, the weirdos don't show up to class often and they go drinking everytime. One of the weirdos in my art class, decided to do the test of the other art class which is before ours, just so she could go drink with others of that class. That is the stupidest thing I've ever had, but she believes that it was a genuine idea. Sure, I still talk to the weirdos, they're hilarious and if they invite me to do something this summer, I'll go if I don't have other plans. I love the cool kids and you've got some plans this summer. My cegep is moving to a bigger campus and I have no clue where it is so they're gonna organize a day where we go there. Also, we're going to go to LaRonde (wonderful amusement park) and other stuffs I hope. They're also the ones that motivate to do better in school and they wake me up the morning because I don't wake up even if my alarm rings. They're gonna continue waking me up by calling me or sending me a text message. I love them! cool Although, I'm really sad because one of the cool kids is going to university in Halifax (city in a province of Canada near the Atlantic sea). Ali was my first friend and talked to me on the 1st day of school when I was so nervous. We became good friends and we, Liberal Arts students, fell for Gabriel and C, Arts & Science students both Jewish. (Adam Levine is Jewish too heart !!!) Ali has a chance with Gabriel and I'm gonna make in sort that something happens between them this summer before she leaves. They make such a cute couple!!! whee Ali is a person that I admire much, also an activist and a vegeterian. I'm gonna miss you but we'll visit each other for sure. domokun I might have mentionned Garaway which is the best teacher of the entire world!!! He's my god and I think that he's right in all his sayings. Too bad, he's near the 60s or I could have dated him! xd I know he loves me, I'm always saying "Hi!" to him when I see him in the hallways and even in the bus. Also, he loves India and he said that I need to go talk to him before I leave for there next summer. heart (Yes, I'm gonna go there and nothing's stopping me! mad ) It'd be really cool if we could both go to India together. I admit that it sounds that I'm in love with Garaway but I'm not, it's just that I admire him so freaking much and I wish that he was my uncle. *sighs* At least, I've gotten closer to him unlike my friends who either don't like him or are scared by him. I heart you Garaway!!! OMG, there is this extremely handsome teacher in my school who's either in his late 20s or early 30s! eek heart I wish I could do him on a desk. I swear if you saw him too, you'd feel the same way I do. I really had the urge to groping his a** when he was walking in front of me one day, but it doesn't even know me so I'll try to get real close to him and then, we'd spend lots of time in his office. wink
Ok, this is all I have to say about school I think. I can't believe that I'll be stuck there for almost a month, but then I'll be free like a bird and won't go back there for 2 months!!! dramallama


I really love working at Gap, I fell in love with the clothes. I love the polos! heart I also believe that every single men should at least have 1 polo in the wardrobe and 1 pink shirt because it's a hot and "in" color now. I also love striped shirts, I bought a couple of them. I've noticed that the "marine" look is also "in" since there's many striped blue/white shirts that go well with shorts or khakis. Other than that, I love my co-workers. A lot of them quit since they weren't getting enough hours. I stayed there because I was going to get more hours after, but I still don't have enough hours and it's really starting to piss me off. I gave my schedule which had 30 hours of availability for this week and I get stuck with only 4 hours, only 4 hours. F*ck!!! scream I am in need of money to pay back my debts and buy other stuffs for summer. If the next week, I don't have hours that satisfy me, I'm telling my managers to transfer me to another Gap in july. I love my Gap and I love working there, but money is more important so I'd rather change stores. Plus if I do get transfered, I'll ask if I can only work on weekdays from like 9am to 5pm so that after, I can go workout at the gym. If I do have more hours, I'm going to stay at my store until august and then transfer. School is going to be further and I love working in downtown, plus more friends can come visit me. I really love visits, it touches me deeply! crying heart
I personally think that it's better working near downtown in summer so I guess I will transfer in july. Sure, some co-workers will miss me but I'll stay in contact with them and visit them at work sometimes. 3nodding


The most interesting section since it talks about my family and my close friends. I love my family, even if I feel like killing them most of the time. ninja My mother has become more permissive with me, which kinda shocked me. I guess she's realizing that I'm growing up and keeps reminding me that I'm almost turning 18, that I will be in charge of my own responsibilities. I sense a long speech soon, she already did the one about how I might also want to find love and that I should be careful because people are dangerous and some only think about sex, but I need to find the one that will respect me and bla bla bla... I hate her speeches, I pretend not to hear her speak, but she forces me to reply and argh! xp I bought a gift for her during Mother's day and she was so delighted about it. My sister brought her to a salon where she paid for her manicure and pedicure, while my brother brought her to a restaurant and I offered her decorative trays and some beauty products. She said that she had great kids who think of her and it really pleased her. heart Anyway, I horribly miss my father and always keep him informed of my life. I send him pictures of everyone, I give him news of my family and always assure myself of his health, but subtly. It's almost Father's day so I got to print out pretty pictures, download videos on a dvd, send it all to him and call him on that day too. Next summer, I'm going to go to India for 2 months, maybe 3 and catch up with him. heart Though, he didn't miss much since he's always informed of everything here. I write long emails which he likes and he even told me that it felt as if he was reading a gazette. rolleyes My brother is going to move in an apartment with his wife in july. I'm going to help them paint the walls since it has awful colors while my sister-in-law will be resting since my niece can pop up anytime in july, supposedly the 20th july. She's so beautiful with her belly and I felt my niece moving around, it was wonderful. It just amazes me that my niece is inside that belly and needs to recognize the person "touching" her before moving. After she got used to me and the heat my hand gives off, she moved around often and it was awesome even if I couldn't feel my hand at a certain point since it was under the belly. xd I am so excited and when my niece will be older, I'll bring her out to eat ice cream and cake. I sense that she's going to be spoiled especially by her grandparents. She'll be extremely cute since she has gorgeous parents. Oh and my bro has become really nice. He didn't refuse to purchase some Maroon 5 tickets for me with his credit card, maybe my mom told him that if I didn't have them, I would die because I was literally going to kill myself if I didn't have them. gonk I'm really grateful that I got those tickets since they were sold-out at the end of the day. He's the best brother ever with the best sis-in-law ever. heart My sister has changed a lot and for the better. I remember how bitchy she was with me, but she got her boyfriend, she started being nicer. My sis was a total tomboy and she still didn't have a boyfriend even though she was in her early 20s. She fell on a French and now, she likes cheese and salads. eek She's presently living with him and they're going to move in this cool condo in july. It's a serious relationship and they really love each other. At this rate, they should get married in 2 years. I heart wedding and theirs is going to be wonderful too with yummy french food. Also, my sister is saving her money and I would never thought she'd be able to do that. It is now my turn to start saving... but I just can't keep money in one place, I spend it just like my mom. She's probably going to start university next year or maybe this one if she's lucky. I hope everything works out well for her and I don't see any problems since she found her perfect boyfriend. heart
My family is going through a rough period with the baby coming and the movings also, both I'm just there to support them in all. surprised


My brother and my sister found their true love, but I haven't yet. Ok, I am younger than them but still, I want some loving too! gonk I've already talked about F and C in my previous entries, not sure about who I really liked. In the end, I don't like them anymore and I am totally over them. They're nothing more than good friends of mine and I love them because they make me smile but in different ways. Right now, I am over finding the one for me. I'm going to stop looking, I'm just going to wait until it's time for me to have a loved one. I did have my eyes on someone, but I let go because my friend Dan clearly told me "He's mine, don't touch! mad " so I just backed away even though I think it was meant as a joke or was it? Unfortunately, my eyes have a mind of their own and they just love looking at guys from head to toes. I also realized that I was obsessed with butts, extremely obsessed. I just love looking at butts, both girls and guys. The song "Baby got back" is one of my favorite songs and well, I feel the same way the singer does... ok maybe not all the same ways, but similarly to him... I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE!!! cool heart I just have the sudden urge of grabbing people's behind, though I'd be called a sexual harasser by these people. sweatdrop Oooooh and a friend gave me the good idea of taking a picture of the butts of all my friends. So I'll be walking with my camera, taking pics of my friends' behinds and probably make a photo album of them. 4laugh
My love life sucks as usual, but special things might happen this summer and I'm excited about it. 3nodding


Finally, you're going to know the exciting things that happened in my life since the month of february. Bunch of things happened, but the most important things are the concerts I went to. I went to Kaiser Chiefs on the 17th april and it was freaking amazing! whee I went with my friend and her boyfriend who's such a cutie, they look like a cute nerdy couple. 4laugh I bought a shirt that I love and I had the drumstick of the drummer in my hands, though I had to fight against a crazy mob of fans. I was the last one to hold it when this annoying security yelled at me like a pitbull and the other guard took it and gave it to this random emo blonde girl that I was ready to knock out to have that stick. I even asked her nicely if she could give it to me in exchange of something else but she refused, that b***h! stressed My friends laughed at me and they were disappointed that I didn't punch the security guards out for that stick. I told them that I wasn't going to punch them for something of the Kaiser Chiefs, but if it was of Maroon 5, I would have killed. 3nodding My friend wasn't surprised at all and her boyfriend felt bad about those who'd get in my way. xd I went to Arctic Monkeys on the 12th may and it was great even though I lost my friend and Mox since people were trashing. I also bought a shirt because I believe that it is extremely important to have a shirt since it proves that you attended a concert when you don't have any pictures and even if I do, I just like having shirts of bands I love. Mox thinks that I'm beeing a materialist jerk that wants to show off, but you bought a shirt too at Arctic Monkeys so nyah! xp Oh and guess who's coming to Montreal, the 13th of june? NONE OTHER BUT MAROON 5 AND I'VE GOT TICKETS!!! Yes, so Nisham and me are going to go see them together again. This time, I'm bringing my digital camera and taking as many pictures possible and I'm going to do everything to have autographs even if I have to get on the stage. I bought the new cd and I love it so much!!! heart I am so excited to go see them and I'm really happy that my brother got me tickets. I am the happiest person alive in the entire world and the only thing I could ask for more is to sleep with Adam Levine, then my life will be complete. cool I went clubbing a couple of times with a fake id since I'm not 18 yet and it was great, I really love dancing. Oh yeah, Nisham had his birthday on march 23rd but we partied on the 24th in a club with a friend and it was totally amazing. Maybe we'll go at the same club for my birthday too, right Nish? wink Oh yeah, Nisham is in a relationship now, he's got a girlfriend named J. Man, you should see him like he's totally in love. J is a friendly, funny, smart and beautiful girl. She loves food and sweets like me so she's got my respect. Though, she's not the usual type of girl Nish likes but I think she's perfect for him and she's a total sweetie. If I liked girls, I would date her but I don't so yeah. She's got a nice butt though... ninja I'm really happy for you and sorry for getting jealous that time, I was just annoyed of not having any attention but I guess you understood that so sorry again, I'll never do that ever again. Love ya Nish, you're the bestest person ever and I will have to dedicate an entry just for you but another day... heart I've hanged out a lot with Mox also who's helped me a lot in my school work since I always stress about it. I haven't seen my other friends much like Penny, Haush and DL. I really miss you guys and we gotta do something soon before my birthday party. Yes, I'm going to do a double party with a friend of mine and it's going to be in a fancy restaurant with lots of people. I should really start writing the guests that I extremely want to come. I have to meet up with my friend to discuss things and maybe I will tomorrow, because our birthdays are in one month and we've got lots of planning to do. sweatdrop I'm sure it's going to be a blast anyway and I'll be able to take the pictures of all the butts of my guests. domokun
I guess that's all that needs to be known in my activities, but I know that I'll be having lots more this summer. surprised

The longest entry of all has come to an end and I hope that you guys appreciated it. Thank you for reading it and feel free to comment! cool

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