My future is so screwed. Because of this extreme social spending on the part of congress and the president, my generation will see massive tax hikes. Why? Well it's simple. How are they paying for it? They don't have that kind of cash just laying around! No, they are paying for it with wealth that has yet to be created. My wealth. your wealth. Anybody under 21's wealth! It's ******** insane! And it's going to drive the recession deeper, just like the old new deal did for the great depression! WE ARE ********!
They are actively discouraging a free market! All of this has led me to one conclusion as to the cause of all this. It is the resentment of the poor, and people who are parasites in society, taking from earners and producers without giving anything back, that allows government, and socialist ideals to flourish. The government says that its the executives, and the business owners faults for their situation. They are taking all the wealth for themselves. So you elect us, and we'll take their money and give it to you! ARE YOU ******** KIDDING ME! ARE PEOPLE GENUINELY THIS STUPID!
These politicians who you elect are the same rich corrupt bastards who they are saying is at fault! AND YOU TRUST THEM! Obama came out of the most corrput political system in the country, and you think he's squeaky clean!?! He doesn't just know about the dirty business, he's apart of it! But if you're paying attention, he's making sure his name gets taken off this stuff! Amazing! And people are none the wiser! So to everyone who voted for him, and the far left mother ********, who have doomed us all to a very lengthy depression. Because if people are poor, and resentful, they get to stay in power. They dumb down the public school system too.
I will say it one last time. WE ARE ********!
Axis Powers-Nihon Community Member |