- Title: Toushin (Teenage Years)
- Artist: Toushin
- Description: My character Toushin Shimofuri in his teenage years. I like this one, a lot.. which is rare. Please do not use this piece at all. He's my respected and trademark character.
- Date: 11/14/2003
- Tags: othersoriginal
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Comments (7 Comments)
- tb4t14o1l0 - 12/25/2006
- Well.. quite extrordinary
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- fhb7btpmle - 12/25/2006
- quite well done
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- nhytgb015 - 12/25/2006
- hehe quite original!
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- baredhope - 12/25/2006
- hmm.. this is good woot
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- 0z22gxzg3f - 12/25/2006
- hmm.. kinda original
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- avacado-kun - 12/22/2006
- the face is kinda weird..but nice. ^ ^
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- mushypeas99 - 12/21/2006
- hmm.. this is interesting
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