- Title: Fleur the Hedgehog (Sonic O.C)
- Artist: eijiberry
- Description: Fleur the hedgehog is a feisty, flame haired woman who goes by "The Beserker." Her swords are wielded with chaos emeralds, and give her extra strength within her grasp. Though steel-hearted, she does have a soft spot for her beloved older twin brother Azurae as well as for a tall silver fox she admires. A friend and I had begun to collaborate a story with her and my friends' character as well. I hope to draw another one of her soon :)
- Date: 02/05/2015
- Tags: fleur hedgehog sonic
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Comments (1 Comments)
- eijiberry - 02/05/2015
If the picture does not show, here is a link to it smile
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