• It is that time of year, the best time of year
    Snow is falling; soft as a blanket it covers the earth
    A snowball beams me in the back of the head
    Some snow trickles down the back of my neck
    I shiver, wet and cold, but do not want to go inside
    Drop into the softness of the snow
    Let us make an angel Heaven would envy
    Snowmen are so fun to make
    I want button eyes and a carrot nose
    Do you think he is cold?
    Maybe a scarf and top hat would do
    Sledding down hills is oh so exciting
    Plop! Crash landing into a snow mound
    Laughing as we merrily trudge back up the hill
    Aw, time to go in, it is getting late
    Take off bundles of warm clothes
    Ah, hot chocolate is the best, especially with marshmallows
    Time to go to bed, but tomorrow is another day
    I really do love these winter days