• "They don't understand."
    That is all I can say. But how can they not? How can not see that I am not different, but that they are all the same? I see it, others like me see it. How can they be so oblivious? How do they not see the think line that separates me and them? They must be blind not to realize that I am a loving, compassionate, emotional human being, and that they are mindless clones shaped to be as society wants them. They must be blind not to see that they are not "I", but "WE". Their decisions are never really their own. Their thoughts and words are preset, as if they are dolls manufactured by the million, crafted by the same people so they all think alike. So no one will object to anything. But I refuse to be fine tuned. I am me. I am Mimi. They say I'm not normal, but what is normal? There is no definite definition. Why don't they see that? Why are they so oblivious?