• On a Snowy-filled eve,
    Crystallized and gay;
    Little Johnny the drummer boy decided to play.

    He put on his boots
    that strapping young lad
    then put on his earmuffs, scarf, and coat of rags,

    Outside he went
    Cheerfully that day
    though the weather was dreary, cold and grey.

    An hour went by
    then two and three,
    and soon enough
    the sun and ceased to be.
    His mother began to worry
    His Father so much
    he was too busy stuffing his mouth
    with anything his hands could touch.

    So the hours ticked by
    One more and then two
    And soon enough the father began to worry too.

    "Where could he be" The mother fretted
    "He might be gambling." The father betted.
    Another hour went by,
    and soon enough
    Little johnny boy came back
    in a bit of a huff.

    "You now what isn't nice?" He proceeded to say
    "Those reindeer really don't know how to pull a sleigh,
    I was outside, looking to play
    and here come those reindeer
    and I proceed to wave and and say 'Hey!'
    But in the swooped, and started to run
    Before the sleigh caught me by my coat rung"

    "Well how did you get back?" His mother invested,
    "We were good and worried, can your theory be tested?"
    And needless to say that the family was fine
    But be forewarned
    Dont go outside near Christmas time.