• As the winter wind blows, santa delivers hes gifts with a ho ho ho.
    So many lights go up with a ding, with frosty the snowman with a grin.
    As there is a boy who is crying on the snow, by himself with no one.
    Why could this be? everyone should be happy on christmas day.
    He then see's santa on top off a roof, then after that he just went poof!
    He was standing right next to him, with a jolly smile.
    The boy then started talking to him, as he was in denial.
    Santa then cheered him up as much as he could, and then took him home to hes family to open all hes gifts.
    Was the boy the only one that was sad on christmas day?
    No, there was another person that was sad.
    He was a jolly old fellow that misses hes dad.
    It was santa!
    Santa then flew to hes dad's house and hugged him like a tight bear, the dad then hugged him back with a loving care,
    but then santa said job calls!
    Hes dad then waved and said go go go!
    He returned to hes sled and finished hes job with ho ho ho! (: