• Twas a month before Christmas when the stockings were hung
    The old colourless tinsel was just no fun,

    The tree was deader then the rotting mouse
    The old repulsive smell of the old ginger bread house,

    It was enough to make my grandma puke
    On the very rich, mean, keen Grand duke,

    He left in a huff out the door and into the bin
    With a mighty big din,

    We all ran out side to see what had happened
    To realise there was Mr.Tappen,

    We ran up to give him a nice big hug
    To then realise it was just a giant bug,

    We wandered inside to take a break
    Then Jack sat on our beautiful Christmas cake,

    Dad attempted to untangle the lights
    But he failed miserably to the family's delight,

    Dad then tried to but the lights on the tree
    When I saw Dad trying I had no chose but to flee,

    With Christmas just a month away,
    It is for peace I pray.