• An ideal of Society;
    Let us look upon those who posses less than the majority, in a given situation, compare, contrast, thank god for being privileged and fortunate to be born into a favorable situation.

    Yet, the holidays do
    Have some benefits.
    As a byproduct of comparing,
    Pity and sympathy are
    Released and the soup kitchens
    And those little cardboard boxes
    In the front of the school rooms,
    Are filled with food.
    The little runaway
    Angels are given shelter and a promise.

    I find it troublesome to
    List all of the things
    I am grateful for,
    Though it is not a suitable
    Time for me to be judged.
    A sour mood is presently
    Inhibiting my brain.
    A lack of love my eyes
    Do see, and a heart
    Lacking fuel. Blood is
    Slowly draining out,
    Leaving me pale.

    Sweet faces seem
    Fake and sense of loneliness
    Smothers my day. The sky is gray, and the
    Clouds are a musky purple.
    I can not bring myself to thank
    The spirits for material possessions,
    For when my mood is gloomy,
    They never seem to matter. No that
    Is a lie only two things matter...
    I, a teen age girl, am craving
    My mp3 player, which I thoughtlessly left
    At home and
    My favorite pink plush pig,
    Sleeping on my bed.
    For all a want now,
    Is my source of comfort and to let
    The music flow and block
    Society’s nagging voice
    Out of my ears and achieve peace
    For while; a time to recuperate,
    Before I dive in the populace.
    Continuing to strive for
    Individuality and search for myself.

    A negative note I
    Seem to play, still
    Searching for the heavenly note of happy.
    Yet I can’t help but wonder if this is the role I am fit to be…
    So I invest my happiness into the friends I have.
    And I am thankful for their presence, they are
    My saviors. I also invest my faith in the future,
    I do fear the everlasting presence of the gloomy
    Violin shadowing my days, but
    I push my happiness for the good times I’ve had
    And for the ones I am
    Going to create,
    And these are the
    I am truly thankful.