• We celebrate this day as the day when Jesus Christ was born
    No one knows wether this is true or forelorn
    Mary and David travled to Bethlahem to bore their baby boy
    There was no bed for her to lay
    David put her in the hay
    The manger was full of animals
    They gathered around Mary
    Awaiting the baby to come
    All was silent till the baby was ready
    Three wise men came bareing gifts
    They waited outside afraid they would get hit
    The baby was brought into the world
    Bright-eyed and new to it all
    The sun gleamed from the broken roof
    As if to signal the birth of the savior
    He smiled to the world
    And all seemed at peace
    All seemed to be still
    And the joy seemed to increase

    As he grew older rumors were spread
    He could heal the sick
    And bring back the dead
    He could cure the blind
    And turn sand into bread
    He was the savior
    That God had sent