- Title: Dressed as a scene from...
- Artist: Voat
...Alice in Wonderland. Non-Disney-fied!
More like Butterfly in Wonderland but you get the idea. LOL she looks so haggard there. DX
It's not exactly a normal avatar cosplay. What exactly is this anyway? A scene-atar? I have no idea what to call it...a scene cosplay? Or a scene re-enactment?
- Date: 07/21/2010
- Tags: guess
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Greeds Accident - 08/04/2010
- @kiliko Just shut up already not all cosplay avatars are going to be perfect if you want to spaz out just get out of the avatar arenas
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- Kiliko - 08/04/2010
- It's an original. The picture you showed us doesn't compare to the avatar cause all you did was take elements of the picture and plaster them in different places. The flowers are all scrunched up in one place in the center and the sky messes up the scale of Alice. Staring at a video game instead of a scene.
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- Hotorobi - 08/03/2010
- wow this is epic should have placed 1st
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- deadfr990 - 08/03/2010
- I have no idea where this should go .-. But, I think this should have placed higher. Congrats anyway ^-^
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- Maldoria - 08/02/2010
- Very nice - I'm not sure it it belongs in the cosplay arena then again I'm not sure that it doesn't lol Either way I really enjoy your avatar and grats to you on placing in the top 10 this week wink
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- Voat - 08/02/2010
Thanks for the comments and stuff. For those who don't know what Alice in Wonderland is here's a general reference idea. If you see a mushroom be sure to eat it:
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- Striker the legend - 08/02/2010
- Looks almost like "Original" to me. :B But oh well congrats!
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