- Title: WALL-E
- Artist: Its Meark
- Description: WALL-E is a 2008 computer-animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. The story follows a robot named WALL-E, who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity.
- Date: 08/08/2010
- Tags: walle
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Wicked Monstrosity - 08/22/2010
- This is amazing. I didn't think it was possible.
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- Gutsy Taiyaki - 08/22/2010
Now we need an Eve!
I am glad this placed. - Report As Spam
- tutseti - 08/22/2010
- YOu made the impossible possible! Favorite!
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- Steffychan19 - 08/21/2010
- Holy crap. This is so good... This should've won, not the Old Spice Guy... This gets a perfect score, plus a thousand. You just made my day seeing this was on the winner's list.
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- sparky IV - 08/21/2010
- wow.... I imagine this mustve took a lot of experimenting... Cudos^^
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- Autio Ainoa - 08/20/2010
- LOVE. <3
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- Jovansky - 08/20/2010
- This deserved the first place : D
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