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  • Arenas
  • Mount Silver: Pkmn Trainer Red
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Mount Silver: Pkmn Trainer Red
  • Artist: Hi-Potion
  • Description: As you wander deeper and deeper into Mount Silver, you come to a large walkway. You follow the walkway, although it appears to lead nowhere. But, in the distance you catch a movement. Its Red, the legendary pokemon trainer. You approach him...

    "...." Let the battle begin!!!

    A cosplay of Trainer Red from the Pokemon series. NOTE: His real eye colour is red
  • Date: 06/05/2011
  • Tags: mount silver pokemon trainer pkmn
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Pikachew - 06/15/2011
  • Zidane: Actually the point of cosplaying can mean both things depending on the situation. This is a competition. When people speak of unoriginality here, they're not trying to change the basic definition of cosplay. They want to see an uncommon, well done character place for once instead of cosplays that are a dime a dozen. Veteran viewers want to be excited, not get smacked in the face with mainstream BS that panders to the inexperienced majority.
  • Zidane Grand Lethal - 06/14/2011
  • @ Michiko Kitty: The point of cosplays isn't to do something original, it's copy something and make it look as close as possible to the reference picture. I think this person managed that quite well, you should really brush up on your Gaian language...
  • Michiko Kitty - 06/14/2011
  • @ Hi-Potion-: Actually I rather agree with Pikachu. I've seen many Red cosplay trainers and all you added was a background and nothing more. So I'm just going to say this for the record... (THIS IS UNORIGINAL!} scream
    Thank you and moving on!
  • Pikachew - 06/13/2011
  • This is lazier than the other red cosplays. It's a combination of the new EI with a background tacked on. It's not creative. You didn't even need two southtown items. That shows how effortlessly cheap it is, but of course the people who don't know better would eat up this cliche display of unoriginality.
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