- Title: Pokémon - Ash Ketchum
- Artist: Its Meark
Ash Ketchum, known as Satoshi in Japan, is a ten year old Pokémon trainer from Pallet Town. After receiving Pikachu as a starter Pokémon from Professor Oak, Ash left Pallet Town to start his journey. Since his departure, Ash has traveled the World of Pokémon, competed in many challenges, and caught newer Pokémon. He has met many companions such as Misty, Brock, May and Dawn.
The scene is depicted form the first season when Ash and Misty travel through the Viridian Forest. - Date: 11/14/2010
- Tags: pokemon ashketchum
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Miss-dark8607 - 11/18/2010
- pretty cool dude.
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- xHolyMathx - 11/17/2010
- Awesome Work
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- Eye DeathSpell Moonshadow - 11/17/2010
- wow! thats exactly like him! TRUST ME! I know! Seen series since ep. 1...im a offical poke nerd and i love it!
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- Manda-Bot - 11/17/2010
awesome!!! 5/5!!
rate me back!! <3
http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=102375049#title - Report As Spam
- Amazing Princess Peach - 11/17/2010
- Wow this is amazing 5/5 biggrin
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- The Cobalt Flash - 11/17/2010
- Great!
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- Milk Powered Fan - 11/17/2010
- Very nicely done. I may be being generous, but this deserves a 5/5.
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