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  • Arenas
  • Haar
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Haar
  • Artist: Druid Aurelia
  • Description: Haar is a dragon rider from the Fire Emblem series. He is seen most of the time as a lazy person, though he does have some skills in battle.
  • Date: 05/23/2009
  • Tags: haar fireemblem dragonrider
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • alapheonixfox - 07/31/2009
  • before you comment fire emblem is a GAME everyone. search for fire emblem: dawn of radience to see him. he appears after micaiah brings liberty.
  • Crystal_Tsukishiro - 05/31/2009
  • Yay! A Fire Emblem cosplay. They're hard to do, so bravo to you. ^_^ 5/5 (And to everyone who doesn't know, Fire Emblem is a VIDEO GAME series, not a show)

    Also, to Cupcakez_222 and NiobeDRose, he didn't go overboard. If there wasn't a dragon, then it'd be too plain. Read the description! Haar is a DRAGON RIDER!!! >=D
  • Pavora - 05/31/2009
  • It's fairly close to the reference picture, but it seems that in the reference picture there isn't a dragon behind him. I belive you went a little over board. 4/5, nice job smile
  • NiobeDRose - 05/31/2009
  • It seems fairly close to your reference, but I'm only going to give you 4/5. This is because in the reference there is no dragon, and I don't know anything about the show. Coming from someone who doesn't watch the show, it seems slightly random since it isn't featured in the reference.
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