Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Gym Leader Cress
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Gym Leader Cress
  • Artist: Captain Confuzmint
  • Description: As you enter Striaton City, get ready to battle. Depending on your starter, you will be up against me, or one of my brothers. My most faithful companion is my Panpour. We will serve you up a Pokebattle like never before, as we aren't only Pokemon Gym leaders, but chefs!!

    "I'm a Water-type specialist, and my name is Cress. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

    The hair was the best I could do. They also don't have aprons that ride lower.
  • Date: 03/25/2011
  • Tags: leader cress pokemon
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Captain Confuzmint - 03/28/2011
  • Dei- I used the plate of food as an extra. It looked rather plain.
    axean- thank you, I could find the word for it.
    Drath- Thanks!!
    Red- They are ok, but not quite long enough.
    Dee- I would rather not use a skirt, but we shall see.
    Thanks for all the helpful comments so far everyone!!
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