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  • Arenas
  • Moon River
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Moon River
  • Artist: PWNmeister
  • Description: This avatar has been inspired by the song Moon River from the movie Breakfast at TIffany's.

    Moon river, wider than a mile
    I'm crossin' you in style some day
    Old dream maker, you heartbreaker
    Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way
  • Date: 05/12/2010
  • Tags: moon river
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Lavenadel - 05/25/2010
  • I said it before, and I say it again I hate these moon boat avatars. None of them are any different from the last one, which pretty much sums up this avatar. Been done before. It feels like it's just been token from another week and you've added a few more items to it.
    I don't even get why there is a river space, I mean really.
    Grats anyways, but why do these moon boat avatars keep winning?
  • PWNmeister - 05/24/2010
  • KILKO::
    Yes cause you know I coudlv'e totally cropped his knee up and the lock as well.

    I used Herme's Moon simply because of the cloud-like stream that it "let's out"
  • BLKnWHT - 05/24/2010
  • You couldn't have at least stayed with the Conan's moon? It least it'd blend in with the rest of it.
  • Kiliko - 05/24/2010
  • Cliche. layering issues don't put him in the boat because his knee is hanging off the side. You have bubbles in outer space and I can still see the lock where the antler guy is chained up.
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