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  • Arenas
  • Daven~
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  • Title: Daven~
  • Artist: Fallen Pyro
  • Description: Daven is a 16 year old boy who came from country called Desneral. His parents being born in Dorok, sent him to be born there so that he would live a better life, because in Dorok there was slavery at the time.
    Years passed and he wanted to find his parents. He was not sucessful in doing this, but had received hints that his parents had moved to a new country. A dragons egg was found in his carridge when he was born. When it hatched when Daven was 8, It immediatly became attatched to him and ha
  • Date: 03/02/2008
  • Tags: gwee darkstar coalgunnerboots scythe handwraps
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