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  • Artist Info: K. I hate writing these things, I never know what to say.<br />
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    I am a tough chick with a heart of gold. I'm generally very nice and quite generous. I tend to spoil the crap out of my s/o or the current object of my affection, assuming they let me. JUST DON'T PUSH MY BUTTONS! I can be very hot-headed when I feel I'm being messed with and I am even more protective of my friends.<br />
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    I'm a Christian. But not one of those fire-and-brimstone-shove-<br />
    my-Bible-down-your-throat types that thinks that everything is evil. <br />
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    I like to think of myself as intelligent but that gets pretty hard around my friends, most of whom are smarter than I am. I am pretty open-minded and thus very well-rounded. It's a bit easier to list topics that don't interest me than ones that do. I'm not big on politics or government. I was never good at math (I'm much better with letters than with numbers) or the more numbers-associated sciences. The natural world fascinates me, though.<br />
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    Among my many hobbies are: reading, writing, drawing, anime, console RPG's(Playstation, actually), tabletop RPG's (mostly D&D and Rifts), and martial arts (gotta get back into that). And that's just off the top of my head.<br />
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    I a 28 years old and just relocated to Californa, from the cold state of Minnesota, to be closer to someone. It's been a ride but by the grace of God, we've been hanging in there. Financial stability is improving. And things are going fairly well with my reason for being here, I think ^^<br />
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    AnCatDubh is my Kitty =^^=<br />
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    I'm more fantasy than sci-fi.<br />
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    I'm more masculine than feminine.<br />
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    My drinks of choice are Strawberry Daqiris, wine, sake and the occasional mudslide. I'd like to learn to make Adios', too.<br />
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    Anyway, I think that's a good start. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little ^_^<br />
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    Get to know me and my friends better at Heaven's Limit Guild. It's a hangout for gamers, mostly. But all are welcome that will be active members. <br />
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    Also check out my RP guild, ImaginatInn and Bar. <br />
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    Also check out my RP, Whispers of Angels.
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