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  • Artist Info: <br />
    Welcome, honored guest, to my profile.<br />
    The song you are listening to now:<br />
    SADNESS~ I know the reason for her sadness~<br />
    By: Malice Mizer [Tetsu's Era]<br />
    Genre: Neoclassical Dark Wave<br />
    Language: Japanese [witch exerts of English]<br />
    Year: 1993<br />
    About Me:<br />
    My name is Alyssa Eileen Glass. I grew up in a traditional family and I was born in Missouri; I come from Irish and Russian decent. It is my dream to become an American-born Japanese singer. This year will mark my last year as a High School student then I will transfer to the United States Navy to become a linguist for 4-6 years and master Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese (( at the least )). I am not one person but many different variations of the Self; I am both sides to every coin.<br />
    <br />
    Favourites:<br />
    Food: Bánh Xèo<br />
    Colour: Orange (( the colour of the sunset and sunrise- the beginning and ending of every day, an inevitable occourance that will continue even when every human has died ))<br />
    Channels/ TV: Science Channel, History Channel, You're Beautiful [Korean Drama], Little Auntie Duo Ho He [Chinese Traditional Drama]<br />
    Books: Mythology, Witchcraft, Pagan, Wiccan, Holy Books [of all religions], sicence, ancient history [pre-American], anything that I connect to.<br />
    Idols: KOKIA (( The Vision )), GACKT (( The Emotion )), and MANA (( The World ))<br />
    Music Generes: Middle English, Spanish, and Gaelic, Irish Folk, Traditional Japanese Enka, Ariang, and Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Opera, Classical, 80's rock and pop, Gothic Instrumental, Neoclassical Dark Wave, [some] J-rock, [some] J-pop, [some] K-pop, Greek, Albanian, Russian, Bulgarian, Visual Kei, Gothic, and Gothic Opera, Orchestra, Jazz, Blues, Hindu, and Bollywood. I distaste almost ANY modern American music.<br />
    Hobbies: Drawing, Singing, Writing Lyrics, Dancing, Dreaming, Talking to Shadows<br />
    Sports: ONLY PLAYING- Tennis and Volleyball<br />
    Perfume: Channel Chance [Pink]<br />
    Cologne: Channel Egoiste Platinum<br />
    Dessert: Baklava, and Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream<br />
    Drink: Coconut Boba, all Teas, Orange Juice<br />
    <br />
    Dislikes:<br />
    Food: COOKED fish, sour things, very spicy things<br />
    Colour: Black [even though that 98% of my wardrobe; if you must know, then ask me personally why that is]<br />
    Channels: Cartoons, Un-Educational, Disney. EXCLUDE: Pbs and 90's and 80's cartoons<br />
    Books: Anything else but what I like<br />
    Idols: Anything else but what I like<br />
    Music: I distaste almost ANY modern American music. EXCLUDE: Some rock bands<br />
    Hobbies: Playing games, sitting around, watching sports, over hearing people who think they know what they are saying<br />
    Sports: Anything but what I like. I only play, not watch.<br />
    People: Who give generic reasons for things that have a much more complex explination, close minded, who don't like to learn, those who never ask questions and wonder, those who are just plain dumb, those who I see as being below myself or my standards, those who get everything handed to them though they only do wrong [not just wrong but VERY VERY wrong things...], interested in sex at a young age, interested in getting married at a young age, dramatic about their relationships, those who treat everything with too much or too little purpose, those who do things when they know there is no point or real goal being met.<br />
    Dessert: Chocolate cake and cupcakes, too much frosting on cake and cupcakes [the standerd ammount even though I am a sugar-holic], Red Velvet cake<br />
    Drink: Red Wines [only drink one glass a day since it is good for the heart]<br />
    <br />
    ::~*~:: Invidia ::~*~::<br />
    <br />
    <br />
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