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  • Artist Info: In my hand i hold the Epiphany Hammer, this hammer once belonged to the almighty god Gnosis. It obtains the power to give the wielder and the victim a life changing epiphany everytime it is used, however no one knows if it actually works on the victim seeing how they always die. But none the less it's still a powerful piece of mythilogical history. The shaft of the hammer was made from the bones of Gnosis's own father, Plato, and the head is made from the gold in their treasury. (by the way this is a copywriten story, try and steal it and you will be sued) <br />
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    Also i wield the amazing Hammer of Midgeton. this piece of tiny mythology has the power to turn every one it hits into a midget. It was wielded by the great Migeton(hence the name) he was a great general in the war on normals. It is said that it was made in the fires of Migetoria where the dwarves of ol' made the great Midgetron use it to make more of their kind, you see their race was dying whether it be from the war with the normals or being picked up by the birds and fed to their babies. this was their last resort, fortunatly they lost the war but a treaty was struck by the normals saying they would let them live but they have to live undergrounnd in the sewers and generate the power for our cities. the hammer of Midgeton was never used on another midget, for it would have great reprocutions, a giant midget.....
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