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  • Artist Info: Birth Name: Syrious Jones<br />
    Aliases: Tera Knight, Lightning Emperor<br />
    Relatives: Antoni's, Nicholi is his older brother.<br />
    Marital Status: Single<br />
    Rank: Knight/Index finger of the destructive hand.<br />
    What are you know for: Being the group clown, being a loyal and strong member of the hand.<br />
    <br />
    Physical Traits -<br />
    <br />
    Gender: Male<br />
    Age: 35<br />
    Apparent Age: 19-21<br />
    Date of Birth: Unknown<br />
    Place of Birth: Pure Place<br />
    Race: Human/Tera Guadian:God-like beings charged with maintaining the balance of existence.<br />
    Blood Type: Unknown<br />
    Height: 6'1"<br />
    Weight: 198lbs<br />
    Build: Muscular/Built/Cut.<br />
    Hair Color: Silver-ish Grey.<br />
    Hair Length: Short and slightly spikey/ In his true form it grow black and becomes shoulder lenght and more spikey.<br />
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    When entering his Tera guardian form his skin tone becomes black or a dark grey type color, and he gains peices of golden armor, though its not really armor persay, he gains a helmet, and two shoulder pieces, then two wrist protectors, then this nect brace or choker which ever you wish to call it, and the trimming of his lower clothing are gold, which had also changed to that of an Hakama. He gains two cross like tattoo on the back of each hand, and one on his neck, and also has the tattoo of a dark flame on his lower torso. His hair stops being spikey and falls limp as iot grows and becomes a dark purple color, and his shoes well they are similar to what Espada from bleach wear but matches his clothing. In this form all his abilities are increased drasticly specially his speed and power, but he also gains the ability to 'choose what he wants to touch' meaning he could choose to touch water or air and beable to wall on them both, and also phase through solid objects, though not energy based objects.<br />
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    Preferred Weapon: Guantlet:Guantlet is created from dragons blood, its made of a strong and unique mythrill, there isnt nuthing really special about this but its his first choice of defense.<br />
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    Eight Exceeds: When he was old enough he had a legendary blacksmith to forge him 6 blade and 2 pistols like no others, ones that he had a strong connection with and which allows him to fit them into one large great sword. By using Syrious own blood, the Tera blood and burning it into the Star dust, ablack meteor, and diamond ore he gained a strong connection with the swords and pistols letting him control the blades at will. They were linked with him due to his blood being infused with him and are indestructable, and no one other than him are allowed to touch them and if someone does tempt to, than they would be given fatal mental pain. These blades are unseen untill Syrious want them to be seen, even in use they can be invisable and he could still mentally control them. The all have their own unique ability.<br />
    <br />
    Names & Abilities.<br />
    1.Demonic Torment: This allow Syrious to control all liquid but mainly water and blood and cause it to explode, even the water insides ones body or the blood, but he has to touch them in order for it to explode inside the body.<br />
    2.Giga Exe: This is a fire based sword, it allows him to summon flames as hot as supernova and use them in attacks.<br />
    3.Mega Cannon: This causes his fist or the sword itself to glow collecting immense amount of Tera, or Kei into it and then fires a massive overwhelming blast of Tera or Kei towards the opponent, it at first seem like a large laser fired from an actual cannon, but it then splits into 20 spheres or more and circles the opponent, they then all fire beams of its source into the opponent piercing there body.<br />
    4.Shining Gallop: The ability of this sword summons a shining white horse, larger than an actual horse and stampedes towards the opponent it can actually multiply to create a stampede and the strenght of the horse, is far greater than an actual one.<br />
    5.Helix: The blades of the naginatas extend and spiral into double helixs which, split into tentacle like whips with several spikes of ice on the ends of each tentacle. These whips can be lengthened or shortened as well as stiffened or made more flexible, these constant variables make battle unpredictable and turn a rather simple weapon into a deadly attack. <br />
    6.Spider Silk: This has the ability to create invisible kinetic webs which can intangle his opponent, the webs created from highly dense kinetic energy so they aren't easily broken or cut, can no ordinary psionic being or user can break it easily either.<br />
    7 & 8.Hybrids: The hybrid are dual pistols that were created along with the 6 blades before it, he uses these fairly often. By channeling his Tera into the gun and hardening it within the gun barral he create Tera bullets, but they don't fire like regular bullets, upon being released from the barrel it burst firing a rather mildly large beam of energy, and this is possible by also using the Tera/Kei/Chi/Ki force around the entire area he is in. And its what also gives them, their perpetual ammunition.<br />
    <br />
    Specialties: Hand to hand combat. Using varies forms of weaponry. Tracking abilities.<br />
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    Fighting style:<br />
    Tessen Is a mix martial artist, mean he has studied and master several forms of martial arts which he uses fluiently. He also created his own sword style which has to do with his eight blades, he call it Happonjin. He also uses Boxing,TaeKwonDo, Muay Thai, and Capoeria. He also knows Drunken fist but unlike other he can also use this when he is extremely high, for he smokes than he drinks.<br />
    <br />
    Abilities/Skills/Elements:<br />
    Tera Manipulation and Control: Tera is like Kei and Chi combined stronger than both and Syrious is able to manipulate and control his Tera flow and the Tera around him, by channeling his Tera he is able to enforce items, such as projectiles giving the raw power and causing much more damage than they would on their own. He could channel this Tera into his body increasing his physical abilities, such as his speed, strenght, endurance, healing abilities...etc. His Tera is the color of Amethyst.<br />
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    Bio-Kinetics: Syrious is able to manipulate bio Kinetic energy which focus around matter manipulation. With this ability he can manipulate and rearrange matter in objects to change them into anything he wishes, he can also flow this energy into an item which then can be used as a explosive with ra, violent explositions. He is also able to use regular kinetic abilities, such as telekinesis and much more. And use this ability to molecular level.<br />
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    Soul Fusing(Has yet to actual use it tdue to uncomplete training.):With this ability Tessen can fuse with the soul of an animal and take on their characteristics but also take on their pros and cons which is the only down fall. He has yet to try this but it is said that he could even fuse with the souls of human beings and shapeshift into that person taking on their memeories, characteristics and more.<br />
    <br />
    Aero-Kinetic: He has the ability to control the wind and bend it to his will as if the wind was a servant and he was its master.<br />
    <br />
    Looping Red Earth Dragon's Gate: The true nature of Syrious Kei: "''Earth Kei''". When his gate opens, Syrious can harness the earth's electrical fields and generate electricity. However, this works as long as his legs are connected to the earth. If no contact is made between the ground and his legs, his power remains idle. But as a passive ability he is able to manipulate and control Earth and Amethyst, and when he uses Amethyst his eyes become that color.<br />
    <br />
    Tera Flame: By manipulating his Tera energy and infusing it with the ability of Pyrokinesis he would create a flames that is much beyond fire, this isn't a actual flame but rather hotter than all types, able to ignite within water and water having very little effect.<br />
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    (Basicly the elements are wind Earth and Fire.)<br />
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    Pain Trigger: This is a skill he named, his stanima and durability where also enhanced due to his martial arts training and was known for taking blows which would normally knock someone unconcious, or hurt them severly and get right back up ready to fight, when he recieve's such pain, the pain trigger activates usually amplifing his own abilities, something like how adrenaline works. But really its more like utter pleasure from combat.<br />
    <br />
    You will have to wait and find out about any of his attack with these said abilites/skills/and elements.<br />
    <br />
    Bio:<br />
    Syrious was born in the lower east district of Galavantia, coming up in such a life no child should have to go through. At the age of four his mother and father was killed seemingly for unknown reasons at his age but once growing up it became clear, leaving him alone at a young age.<br />
    Unlike his older brother Nicholi he was taken into one of the noble families and brought up as one of there own, though he was rebellious, however despite his image of a rebel, Syrious excels in his schoolwork and combat ability.<br />
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    By the age of thirteen he was seen as a prodigy, for he was intellengent and strong, living up to his adoptives father reputation, his adoptive father was of the noble families but he was also a Knight of Galavantia. It would seem that Syrious tended to follow in his foot steps and was put through training that the other trainee's or soldiers didn't have to go through and they were surely different, it was like his adoptive father was trying to make him the perfect knight but their was truely no such thing, or so he thought.<br />
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    After years of training and honing his skills, at the age of 19 he had surpassed his adoptive father and joined knighthood becoming a knight himself and protected the noble families, and the King and Queen. Syrious was on the front lines of a major war against the kingdom of Eternia, during this war it was revealed that he was no ordinary man, he was a Tera guardian. They say every two millennium if the previous Tera Guardian was killed then a new one will be born and it just so happens that Syrious was born as a Tera Guardian and in this war it awakened and it was at this time that they gave him the Title Knight of Destruction.<br />
    <br />
    It was after this event that the crown started to plot against him, they were scared of the power he possed and started to come up with ways to get rid of him, or kill him, and it was at this time he found out what they done to his brother and family, he was ease dropping and found out all what happened and it was then that he left the kingdom deciding to go look for his brother, he killed all ties and connections to Galavantia and gave himself the title of Black Tera Knight.<br />
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    Name:<br />
    Tessen Ishiyumi<br />
    Age:<br />
    Appears to be 19 (True age in dragon years, 126)<br />
    Realm of Orgin:<br />
    Doragon Kokudo<br />
    Original Home:<br />
    Noroa<br />
    Race:<br />
    Laguz/Witch.<br />
    Personality:<br />
    Tessen is a laid back and full of life type of guy, he likes to have fun and joke around but he knows when to get serious, he loves the thought of fighting and battling, he finds it fun and amusing but although he jokes around sometimes he is not to be looked down upon for he is faily powerful but when he becomes serious he is deadly, he may sometimes act childish but that is just something he does for it is an act of insanity but he is very much sane, for the most part atleast. <br />
    Bio:<br />
    Tessen Ishiyumi is the heir and leader of the Ishiyumi family, one of the Red Wings families of the 6 founding families. The family consists of master archers, and Tessen follows that tradition. To that end he has trained his body to have the maximum strength and flexibility possible. It gives his body an almost rubber-like repulsion power, absorbing impacts through impact dispersion as he calls it. This allows him to take much harder hits with minimal damage. He also has a tattoo of a bow and arrow on the back of his right hand. He follows what he calls the "you have 3 outs law" of archery: Center, Pierce, and Endurance. Center is the ability to be on target, Pierce is the power to penetrate the target, and Endurance is the ability to persevere and with this he could send projectiles at deadly velocities. He calls them the 3 outs because in archery without all 3 you will die.<br />
    <br />
    As a child Tessen was trained to be a warrior, a fighter and due to this at a young age he was a deadly and dangerous person mastering his family art of fighting not to mention others around the world(One he got to the age to travel), he had no time for playing due to being the heir of the Ishiyumi family, instead he studied martial arts and studied in knowledge for he needed to know of his families history and about that which surrounds him, he also learned about the other worlds/realms that exisisted even though they didn't know much he learned what he could. At the age of 12 Tessen was one of the most dangerous people to walk Doragon Kokudo, leading wars and winning at that was somethign that no normal child could do, he was a really prodigy.<br />
    <br />
    By the age of 16 Tessen practically ran the Ishiyumi along with his father, his father was busy taking care of thing in the village and with their family, while Tessen was the one who took care of the wars and went to meetings. One day when Tessen was out at war he encountered a sage which was sorta like a wizard of some kind, the sage was on the verg of being killed but then everything turned for the worst, the sage began to chant a spell and upon the end of it the sage opened a portal which sucked Tessen in sending him off into another realm which was here, the earth realm. Tessen had studied about this realm but there was still alot he didn't know, having not able to find a way back he adapted to this realm and decided to accept this place as his new home, he has now been in this realm for 110 years and have advanced his training and knowledge.<br />
    Principal Power:<br />
    Tessen has the ability to focus his Ki into objects, strengthening their destructive power many fold. These objects range from playing darts, small spiral shells, and even his own teeth etc.... Using the flexibility(See bio) of his body and the strenght he posses, he slings them with enough speed to tear through trees, human bodies, and even thick steel doors with little effort, he also holds the power of psionic mastery. Each of the six Red Wing families possesses a unique chi, or dragon gate. The Ishiyumi family possess the Dragon's Fist (龍拳, Dragon's Fist?). These fists have the ability to collect, store and utilize an inexhaustible supply of ki/chi obtained by "eating" the ki/chi and abilities of others. It is this most unusual and powerful ability of the Red Wing families. Tessen has collected about 100 abilities so far.<br />
    Other Abilities:<br />
    Control and manipulation of the Wind and Lightning element.<br />
    Weapon:<br />
    Sasayaki: (Sasayaki is a legendary bow which have been passed down throughout the Ishiyumi family. It holds the power to fire arrows at 3x the speed of any normal bow but the thing is once fired, it can not be traced by the untrained eye and it can not be heard.), Tengoku Ken Jigoku: (Dual blades which has been told to hold the power from both Heaven and Hell thus giving them their names. They hold their own abilities and energy but it is up to the wielder to unlock them.), Tessen Fans: (War fans made of very endurable metal, one of the strongest metals at that.), and senbons, But Tessen is really big on hand to hand combat so his body is also his weapon.<br />
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    Other Info:Tessen has a something he likes to call "Ivory Idol", Ivory Idol is an Organic amor suit which huggs his body and moves as though it is alive, it would looks as though it was jump some type of white under armor but truely it was stronger than dragon scales and mythrill, he doesn't have have a command for it nor does he have to activate it himself for it is linked to his mind in a way.<br />
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    Name:Selon N�nharma<br />
    Age: 18 (Elven years 145)<br />
    Country of Origin:<br />
    Sennyo Kokudo<br />
    Hidden Village:<br />
    Herbacea<br />
    Clan/Kekkei Genkai:<br />
    N�nharma/ Kumori Yami<br />
    Weapon:<br />
    Mythical giant paint brush which could shift into a sword,staff, or bow of his liking.<br />
    Element:<br />
    Nature, Metal.<br />
    Bio/Personality:<br />
    Under Construction
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