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my name is Haley Nelson, i have an amazing little brother, and a bigbrother who seems more like a little brother. i love to sing and write songe. its kinda wierd but i Love the piano, i can play just about anything. i have a TON of amazing friends.<br />
As you might alredy know my best friend in the whole freaken world is Rose….actuall only like 2 of all you know…..anyway her and I used to hate each other with a burning passion…..but all that ended when 1 katelin (Her lil sis) was born and we had someone new to be mean too anf2 when her big brother fell thrue the floor….I fell into his hole and next thing I know I waking up and her and I are suddenly friends……..well as best friends we like to hang out together….well it’s a bad idea for us to be near each other because when we are together all common sence is GONE.<br />
Once her and I were climbing a tree next to her house we always climbed it but somehow forgot that a couger lives up there……well crap that was fun….we were fine and went inside to eat top ramen (Rose and I live for top ramen). Andother time…..at her party I somehow managed aginn to forget the man eating creature lived up there…..but lucky me I was once again fine……well again last week….I was at her house and knew exactly were the couger was….but like I said…no commen sence…..I decided to throw ice chunks at it……well rose had a good point “If you nock it to our level all I have to do is run faster” well that was good enough reason to go inside, play sims, and eat topramen with rose.<br />
Well now your prolly thinking allof our stors includes a man eating creature…….and that’s partly right……it usually does involve man eating creatures ….such as the time when the grizly was in the field across the road……oh joy…..and the time we were walking toour secret place and saw the bear……oh joy….well there was a time her and I were on a golf cart and crashed it but were then malled by the neighbors dog……oh joy…..there was a time I was on the four weeler getting bags of ice for Joe(Her dad) but I was malled by Chris and Kyles(the twins that live down the road from rose……like some of my best friends) dog…..oh the memorys…and there was the time that I almost dround myself in her pool….long story….if we meet up I might tell you…..well our friend Tyler saved and he is not considered a man eating beast….but allll of the storys end in top ramen……id like to share allof our storys…..well no I really wouldn’t…that would take a life time to share…oh well…..bye - Avg. rating:
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