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  • Artist Info: I am around 5'11" and still growing <br />
    I have many scars. <br />
    I tan easily <br />
    I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger<br />
    I want to have kids someday<br />
    I have a job <br />
    I've fallen asleep at work/school. <br />
    I almost always do my homework. <br />
    I've missed a week or more of school. <br />
    I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years. <br />
    I've stolen something from my job <br />
    I've laughed so hard I've cried. <br />
    I've glued my hand to something. <br />
    I've had my pants rip in public. <br />
    I've gotten stitches/staples <br />
    I've broken a bone. <br />
    I've driven over 200 miles in one day. <br />
    I've been on a plane. <br />
    I've gotten lost in my city. <br />
    I've seen a shooting star. <br />
    I've wished on a shooting star <br />
    I've seen a meteor shower. <br />
    I've gone out in public in my pajamas. <br />
    I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator. <br />
    I've kicked a guy where it hurts. <br />
    I've been to a casino <br />
    I've gone skinny dipping. <br />
    I've played spin the bottle <br />
    I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. <br />
    I've caught a snowflake on my tongue. <br />
    I've seen the Northern lights. <br />
    I've sat on a roof top at night. <br />
    I've played chicken. <br />
    I've played a prank <br />
    I've eaten sushi. <br />
    I'm in a relationship. <br />
    I am a cuddler. <br />
    I've been kissed in the rain. <br />
    I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't. <br />
    I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't. <br />
    I have lied to my parents about where I am. <br />
    I am keeping alot of secrets from the world. <br />
    I've cheated while playing a game. <br />
    I've cheated on a test. <br />
    I've run a red light. <br />
    I've been suspended from school. <br />
    I've witnessed a crime <br />
    I've been in a fist fight. <br />
    I've consumed alcohol. <br />
    I've smoked weed <br />
    I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it. <br />
    I'm afraid of dying. <br />
    I hate funerals. <br />
    I've seen someone dying. <br />
    I own an iPod or MP3 player. <br />
    I can sing well. <br />
    I open up to others easily. <br />
    I watch the news.<br />
    I am a morning person. <br />
    I bake well.<br />
    I've worn pajamas to school. <br />
    I know how to shoot a gun<br />
    I have out shoot the local police at a gun range.<br />
    I own many myself<br />
    I play video games. <br />
    I'm good at remembering faces. <br />
    I'm good at remembering names. <br />
    I'm good at remembering dates.<br />
    These are just a few things about me.
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