• Lyra_EarthChild's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Ello! Thanks for taking the time to see my profile! Well umm guess I should say something about myself . . .<br />
    I love animals . . . my dad's a local vet . . . ummm . . . I want to be a zoo animal vet when I grow up and work with endangered animals.<br />
    Wow this is kind of hard . . . talking about me . . . hmmm.<br />
    I love soccer and I play tennis too. I'm an outdoors person.<br />
    I like to read fiction books. I love anything with fantasy, mystery, and adventure! So I'd love to hear if you have any recomendations.<br />
    I don't listen to much music believe it or not but if you have any good songs I'd be happy if you'd recommend them to me!<br />
    Oh! I almost forgot I just got back from my People to People Student Ambassadors Trip to Engalnd, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands!!!!! It was sooo awesome!!!!<br />
    I want to say thanks to Zutara for making this AMAZING profile for me! Thanks!!!!!<br />
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    OH! And for anyone out there who feels like being nice I would really love it if you'd donate to me or give me some gold or something because I reeeeeeaaallly want the gogh reed and the nightmare but I have no cash and I definitely don't have enough gold even for one of them. So . . . if any one would like to help my cause I would greatly appreciate!!!! THANKS!!!!<br />
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    Dream Avie Donations accepted! Every little bit helps!<br />
    User Image<br />
    Noel's Gift, Checkmate, Louie's Ivory Blouse, Lyndexer's Journal 4th Gen., 90's Comic Book Hero!, Captain Ara's Nestegg 5th gen., Reve Rouille, Sherwood Outlaw, The Wretched, Onyx Bolster Sword
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