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    I haven't been on GaiaOnline in years and after 4 score and seven years ago (ok, 87 years has not past, but it sure felt like it) I returned to check out the site again, feeling all nostalgic and crap. Anyway, it is to be expected, much has changed in my life. I'm going to college to get my teaching degree in art, eventually getting my masters. I want to have a career in something where I don't feel like I'm going to work everyday. I'm an artist and sell my work online every once in awhile, so by definition I guess that makes me a professional artist? Recreationally and when I'm practicing different techniques I primarily draw and paint on my tablet, but that's because its so much cheaper. I'm a serious TV addict and follow pretty much all the shows on TV, all of them, even the crappy ones. As you can see from my profile I'm really into manga and follow many series, as well as the anime that are created after. I follow some american comics as well, mostly from DC, Darkhorse, and Image comics brands. I'm listening to music almost all day, very rarely will you see me without headphones on my head, or at least around my neck. My greatest wish is to learn an instrument, but I'm sure that I like the idea of learning an instrument but not actually ever playing one...I've owned a guitar for 2 years and still haven't taught myself. My most noticeable quality is well...I'm 6'4 feet tall with a size 15 shoe size. <br />
    All my greatest qualities and severe faults are what make who I am, and I'm comfortable with that. <br />
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