• Pencil Heart's Gallery
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  • Artist Info:
    YO!<br />
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    I'ma crazy funky chick! Yes I'm African-American and yes I'm pretty wierd for a black girl but watever! Some people would say I'm short but I say I'm just vertically challenged! =]<br />
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    I love lots of things and I do hate a couple things...I'm not afriad to do much, though I'm terrified by a couple things...Ugh...Can't think of anything else to say >.<<br />
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    I guess if you want to get to know me just add and chat! I'd love to meet new peoples! By the way I'm not new to roleplaying so I'll have a couple of RP Character's up in my journal, pretty soon I hope!<br />
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    ....MUSIC FOR THE WAR!<br />
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    User Image<br />
    User Image<br />
    Pwease help with either one?!?!
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