- chaosflame the pyro's Gallery
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Artist Info:
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I am obsessed with dragons. <br />
If you need proof, scroll that way -------> to see my giant gallery, consisting of mainly dragons, or whatever else I like<br />
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Alternatively, scroll down to see my art<br />
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My only sister is kandlepawz, who can do much better art than me, even though she's younger I just have the advantage that I can get it online... though it can take about a week to get it scanned, since we don't have a scanner ourselves <br />
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A little about me... <br />
Age: 14<br />
Hair color: red, a little more red than my avie's hair<br />
Eye color: Gray-blue, or kind of green in certain lights. There's also a spiky circle with a wierd tint around my pupil<br />
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Average Grades: mostly A's, rarely B's<br />
My mental state: insane by certain standards. Seriously. I'm not crazy-hyper insane (I can get that way though), but I do have high functioning autism.<br />
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Do to my mental state, I have many 'weird' perspectives. Occasionally I will add descriptions of these, maybe to my journal if I get around to it....<br />
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For example, I am an atheist ( I think I spelled that right). Don't you dare try to press some religion on me! I do not really deny that there is a god (or gods), but even if someone manages to convince me that there is, I still wouldn't worship him (her, them, whatever) because th's just not the kind of person I am. I have tried before, and it just didn't feel right....<br />
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I prefer comments to PMs, unless it's a picture.<br />
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By the way, I sometimes go on random 'friend frenzies' and add anyone who looks cool for no good reason. So, add me if you want, decline if you don't, it doesn't matter to me. On the other hand, I would prefer it if you would decide, so my waiting list isn't always full....<br />
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I have plenty of dream avatars, to see them, type in my name on tektek.org (the dream avatar section)<br />
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Donators<br />
GREEN SHOBI- Flame Sword; Super Powers; Ghost Cape<br />
An Anonymous Benefactor- Jackster's Puffy Pants; Samurai Yoroi; Sakura Fluff Plushie<br />
darkhunter5445- Water Balloon (1); 35000 (in total) Gold<br />
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You are Earth! You calm and peacful. People sometimes say you are slow, but you're not. You like to take your time with things and you don't like to rush into decisions. Sometimes you can be shy and afraid to get out there and do stuff. Don't be! Let yourself be free! People like you because of your calming aura. You feel a connection to the earth and its creatures.<br /><br />
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