• oXSnowy_5Xo's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Hey! biggrin dramallama dramallama dramallama <br />
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    Welcome to mah Profile!!! scream <br />
    o.o<br />
    Well... i dont know what to really say but i am pretty nice if you're nice to mehh ;D My name is Jessica, i am asian, my nickname is Jp <3 <br />
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    I love to play Zomg on Gaia but sometimes ppl KS me and that PISSES ME OFF! Like "B****, GET YOUR OWN DAMN MONSTER! YOU CHEAP KSER!" : scream scream: scream i hate it when they do that =^=. crying <br />
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    Um...i dont know what to say...but if you like to play Zomg just add me and we'll play AND FIGHT MONSTERS HEAD ON! [insert awesome face here] As long as you dont mind a amateur, jking, but rly, i'm not that good at this game, once i was still training like a noob in Baskin Lake or w.e AND I GOT MOBBED BY FLYING GIFT BOXES! scream THEY MOBBED ME 4 TIMES! WTF!!! and then THIS BIG ASS BUZZKILL THINGY CAME OUT OF NO WHERE WHEN I WAS JUST SITTING AND IT KILLED MEH crying -sigh- back to zen garden...too noob for the lake place...<br />
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    Anyways, enough about Zomg. (i dont even play that much anymore anyway looool) <br />
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    Personally i like to hang out and do whatever i want. I like to play shooting games, fantasy games, mmo's and stuff and have fun with friends and laugh for no apparent at the stupidest things ever. <br />
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    dramallama <----LOOOOOL i love that lama <3 <br />
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    -You're Beautiful and you know it, so clap your fucking hands, cause every girl is beautiful, and deserves to be called beautiful. - <3 <br />
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    The People and friends we have lost<br />
    and the memories that have faded<br />
    ...never forget them.-Yuna<br />
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    "What you claim not to know is merely what you've denied" - <3
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