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    Call me Suze, it's simple enough. My whole username is too long, but hey, you can learn 3 things if you read it. My nickname, I am not someone who hates everything, and the book Harry Potter is my obsession. It may be unhealthly (the obsession thing), but whatever. I don't care. I'm in high school. Because I have been asked about college before. (Not because I look older, because you can't see me behind this computer screen. biggrin I guess I act older? Hmm.. who knows. I find it amusing)<br />
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    Reading is my love. I read so many different things, it isn't funny. Well, it might be, depends on your personality. I'm a math and science nerd. My grammar and spelling suck. It's okay though, because I do my best with a dictionary and my brain to correct it.<br />
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    I aspire to be a biomedical engineer. If you have no clue what that is, I suggest you look it up. Singing is my passion. One of the few things I can do without failing too badly.<br />
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    I have a low self-esteem. Just so you know. I have a short temper and if you insult me, I can get hurt very easily. I try to hide it, but I'm not always successful. I'm guilible and and can get the darkest shade of green with envy. <br />
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    I enjoy school. I'm pretty good at it too. I've scored in the top percentile for state assessments since I started taking them. Woohoo, not. I hate the big deal people make about my intelligence. As you get to know me, you will learn I can just memorize stuff, I am not that smart. <br />
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    If today was my last day on Earth, the top three things/people I'd spend my day with is a book, my family and my friends. Yeah, yeah, I know it's cliche. I'm a cliche kind of girl.<br />
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    I enjoy roleplaying... a lot. I'm a captain of my own RPing guild. If you like Harry Potter, I suggest you check it out. Click the banner in my signature.<br />
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    This is my 2nd account on gaia. The first I made in '07, but I gave it to my brother. I doubt he has used it at all since I gave it to him.<br />
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    Music is a huge thing in my life. I probably listen to it constantly. I like unpopular kinds but they always end up popular. I don't really care if it's popular or not as long as people don't bug me with it constantly.<br />
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    I hate cleaning. I function best in a messy room. Most people don't understand me in that aspect, but whatever. Walk into my house and you will hear my parents screaming 24/7 about it.<br />
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    Reality TV like Survivor, Big Brother and American Idol are my favorites. Oh and My Big Redneck Weddings, seeing as my family is a bunch of rednecks (not to that extreme though.). xd <br />
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    Smiley faces intrugue me. I use them often. I try not to use the same ones in a row. I probably do but whatever. I don't mean to.<br />
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    As soon as I graduate, I am traveling Europe for the summer. I am a huge mutt and I want to learn about my heritage, all of it. It might take a while, but I really want to.<br />
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    For college, I have big ambitions. I want to get a scholarship and go to an Ivy League school. I hope it happens. The future scares me.<br />
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    Time is my biggest fear. I never know how much time I have left with my family and friends. I don't know who will go first and it freaks me out.<br />
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    Well, I think this is enough about me, what about you? Feel free to comment or message and let's talk. smile
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