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  • Artist Info: I think it's time you get to know me..<br />
    <br />
    I've been here long enough to decide I may stay, having met a few remotely interesting people.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    I'm Darren, I am 24 and I live in London in a flat with an idiot I call <br />
    Tim [his name is Mike..]<br />
    <br />
    If you ever ask for a photo of me, I'll flatly say no. This is, for one;<br />
    Because I no longer have a working camera [Tim managed to drop it off the blacony stare Just like my fucking psp...]<br />
    And 2;<br />
    because I have a psycho ex who seems to find me on most the sites I visit, I'm not sure how she finds out where I go, but I have a feeling Tim may be a part..<br />
    <br />
    I listen to alot of music but for the most part, I love metal;<br />
    Hatebreed, Inflames, Soil, Daath [thank you Marc btw, I've gotten rather fond of them..] amongst a huge list of others.<br />
    I do love a bit of 'pop' as my friends call it, Keisers Chiefs and The Killers for some, my friends have a rather unpleasant view of them wink <br />
    <br />
    Life wise, I clean streets, it's hardly a good job, but I find it has its perks.<br />
    Like finding a forgotten crate of lager out the back of a corner shop wink biggrin <br />
    and I play a few odd games on the net when I have no desire to do my second pleasure, sculpting.<br />
    I do not share pictures as, once again, lack of camera kinda stops that, but also because I once found a model of mine being blagged on the net by someone claiming they had done it. I sell my models more.. personally nowadays.<br />
    <br />
    Hobby wise, I used to collect warhammer until I grew tired of the sad state of the local clubs and the consant bickering of all of the local players...<br />
    <br />
    Pets, well I have little time for pets of my own, Tim however, has a few..<br />
    Right now as I type [I'm trying to not fall asleep, only a tiring conversation with messyart is keeping me from going to bed..] his 3 goldfish are staring at me through their tank.. And I can hear his rabbit nawing at something in it's hutch on the other side of the room.<br />
    That little rabbit.. Such a lucky beast, once managed to get onto the balcony. It decided to take a running jump off of it, catching a leg on the guttering. It was stuck there for a few hours before Tim realised where his lil fluffy explorer had gone... Only needed a week of rest to get over it.<br />
    <br />
    Anyway, back to me [oh what a wonderful subject].<br />
    I am an impatient person at times, and for alot of the time here I seem to have met people very willing to try my patience...<br />
    Not least 'karate samantha', with her constant immaturity and lack of understanding that can only come from youth.<br />
    But also from people like my own friend messyart. <br />
    Daily it seems, in one form or another, I must listen to his whining and moaning...<br />
    And the people I have had the displeasure of talking to in the various social areas of gaia, I have not once met a person who could hold an interesting cinversation.<br />
    <br />
    In my 'spare' time, I either go out with Tim and our mates and get some drinks down us, or I come here and get some serious.. Well, play I guess.. done.<br />
    I rarely get bored, I've always got things rushing around in my head that stop me being able to just sit down and waste my time talking, but that leads to one more thing about me.<br />
    If you've ever read anything I've written, it has probably taken you a fucking long time to reach the end, that's because I've got alot to say, nearly all the time.<br />
    I always wind up forgetting the main point of what I was saying and drift off to my old memories.<br />
    <br />
    There have been many odd checkpoints in my life that have affected me greatly. Back in the summer my mother passed away, another victim of that most wonderful sickness, cancer. Of the breast to be specific. That screwed me up pretty bad, and I am so very grateful to Marc for so willingly giving his time to dissuade me from suicide... <br />
    Since then though, I feel bad for how I treated him, I nearly went out of my way to break up his online [yes Marc.. I know you had no intention of keeping it online..] relationship, I couldn't bare seeing him have his heart torn apart because I know exactly what young girls are like, I knew he was walking into a minefield without any sign of where to step.<br />
    And so far, I've just been proven right again and again, she has shown so many times that she has no idea what a good man means.<br />
    <br />
    And now, once again.. I slip away from my main points...<br />
    <br />
    I am a loner, to be quite honest, I walk alone because I have lived alone. No matter my company, I prefer to have no-one there.<br />
    A line I still remember from one of Marcs messages...<br />
    <br />
    'Only in the company of none can I have free thought, to let my mind speak as it wishes'<br />
    It's a beautiful line that I don't think I'll forget.. Just because it means so much to me, and despite his age, he is wise beyond his years...<br />
    Though his wisdom is a borrowed one, he has learnt all he has from watching it through others. I respect a man who learns from his own mistakes, and the idea he has learned what most do with pain and heartache, just by watching it happen to others...<br />
    <br />
    It makes me wonder why others choose to learn it the hard way.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    If you've even made it this far I thank you for bearing with me, I know my pointless ramblings go on and on seemingly without end.<br />
    But my last point is one I hide from the world, one that I have kept secret even to Marc until now [we have tried to have a very honest friendship, we tell each other alot of what goes on, and I guess this secret I couldn't bring myself to share..]<br />
    <br />
    I went through a long period over the last 3 years, of drug abuse.<br />
    I wasn't even able to think straight enough to say no; whatever was offered was taken up...<br />
    I still feel it in my head, the voices trying to reach out and go buy another fix.. And it still bothers me, I still get the mental deficiencies that plagued me back then...<br />
    I'm not going to go blaming all of my dickheadedness on that, that would be ignorant; I was always raised to pluck out bullshitters and shit back on them, and so speaking what I know inside is crap would go against that..<br />
    <br />
    So.. That's pretty much it... Till next time I guess.
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