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  • Artist Info: my name is Raven valentine<br />
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    hello and welcome to my Patreon page ! i We have some really big plans for the future and i am offering you the chance to be a part of it all ,my name is Ibrahem abushamen but every one That follows what i do on Secondlife.com and other places know by Raven Valentine<br />
    what do i do ?... well.....<br />
    i share ~ simply put , i do my best to make dynamic and fun interactive in world items and objects for most types of role-play on open platforms such as Second life or mods for games that catches my interest <br />
    most of what i make is very inspired by the sci-fi industrial feel that i founded Black Feather to represent <br />
    however i do just about every thing when it catches my attention and shows worthy of investing time and effort in to <br />
    i was never good with words , so i turned to the old...<br />
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    [ i can explain and tell you but ! let me show you ]<br />
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    my facebook : https://www.facebook.com/xRaven.Valentinex<br />
    my patreon. : https://www.patreon.com/RavenValentine
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