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  • Artist Info: Let's see, about me you ask? Well, that's a rather boring topic, I mean really, I think pocket lint must be more exciting then I am, but well, since you insist. I am a top secret agent for the government, I know twelve different languages, most of them don't exist on this plane of reality, I am a black belt in almost every single martial art you can think of, uh, let's see, what else, I have an IQ of a total genius, I have a degree in law, medical studies, art, literature, languages, and several other feilds, including rocket science, and I'm an impulsive liar if you haven't noticed. Really, I'm just a totally bored chick with no life to speak of whatsoever besides the Friday night football games at which she would rather watch paint dry.<br />
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    In all this bored chick's life, she has had only two guys actually admit they like her, and one of them didn't actually confess himself, but rather a friend of ours put us together, and she messed up our friendship, the other guy, is thankfully still a friend, but he confessed through a txt message. Yeah, so basically, no love experience at all. Southern fall to winter makes me depressed, and so does cold weather, I don't like the days June 19th or July 3rd, they make me really depressed. I can't remember much from the ages 11 downward, if I were to be extremly technical then I do have an intelligence disability, or mental retardation as some of you more rude people might call it.<br />
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    I like animals, specially my own two dogs and sister's cat, I like writing, poetry and fanfiction. Uh, I actually like reading unlike most people from my generation. My dream since second grade has been to be a movie director, never was sure why, just wanted to do it for one reason or another. If I don't make it as a director, then maybe I'll be a poet, or photographer, maybe even an animal behaviorist as I had wanted to be for a short time in the fifth grade.<br />
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    Well, I suppose that overall, I'm a random person that you won't ever be able to really understand. But then again that's how a lot of people are, not just me. One minute I'm boring as cottage cheese and then I'm suddenly philosophical and intriguing and you'll think, 'What the he** is she even talking about?' because what I'm saying probably won't make much sense unless you think the same as I do, or maybe it would be because my accent confused you.<br />
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    I have a weird accent, cause it was influenced by my speech therapist, from someplace like Lithuania, my physical therapist, who came from somewhere in Germany, my parents who have heavy Spanish accents, and then I grew up in northern Ohio, so yeah, my accent's messed up, specially since I've been living down south.<br />
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    Eh, well, I guess that's all I'll tell you here, wanna know any more about me, then just get to know me, not that hard.
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