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  • Artist Info: A well endowed half-elf who Saito remembered as "the big-breasted Elf who saved his life" when he was close to death after attacking Albion's massive forces in the last episode of the second season. There is not much information about her magical abilities, but she is implied to be a void user like Louise. She is also a cousin of Henrietta (which gives her royal status), since Tiffania was the illegitimate daughter of the younger brother of the King of Albion and all the royal houses are related. She also seems to know about something about the four Void Users and Familiars as she was singing about Gandalf (Saito, the left hand of god) and Vindalf (the right hand of god), Myozunitonirum (the mind of god) and the fourth who's name was forgotten. It is known that the song's melody was the same as (King) Joseph's (a Void user) music box. She also has feelings for Saito. She had once accessed Joseph's music box when it was in Albion, where she learned a song (actually a spell) that allowed her to wipe memories.<br />
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    After her royal heritage is recognized by Henrietta, Tiffania moved to the magic academy where she was ostracized at first due to her elven origin, but was later accepted by her peers with Saito's help. Her beauty and kindness is a source of admiration by most of her classmates at the academy, and just like all other women who gets close to Saito, a constant source of jealousy for Louise.
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