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    Hello!<br />
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    Hrm.. I am not usually one to write short tiny paragraphs, of anything, so let us hope that I won't go writing a novel, shall we?<br />
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    For starters, you may call me 'Secret'. If you may find any other spin-offs from my username, then feel free to utilize it to your advantage. <br />
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    I hardly talk, and I suppose you may call me shy or introverted because so. But, it is mostly for the fear of strongly opinionated people, I guess. I only tend to talk closely with my friends, or family. Unless I am being spoken to, that is. I like it when others start a conversation, and overall I don't snap at people or anything. I'm patient, to say the least. <br />
    I'm nice, I promise. My promise is to try keep a smile on a person's face, so long as they keep a smile on mine. -- Which isn't so hard to do.<br />
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    Now, as for my hobbies, I do enjoy anime/manga, however I tend to lack the patience (and a good site) to watch or read any of it. I do like to draw, but my interests in some of my work seems to lack easily, whenever I find a single flaw, or lower my own self-esteem. <br />
    What's my favorite anime or manga, you ask? <br />
    - I would have to say Bleach. I love it. (I really should catch up on it soon, I realize.)<br />
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    To say the least, I am a music addict. It is how I live, and how I get around. I really do like all types of music. However, I can't stand country music, or some raps. If a song has a good beat, that I can get used to, then I adore it. <br />
    My favorite genres would have to be both Pop, and Rock. Ah, and Asian-Pop.<br />
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    Recently, my favorite movie is Inception. It's simply amazing! My favorite characters are both Arthur, and Eames. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to control dreams, like that? I wouldn't mind working as a forger, myself. ;]<br />
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    ::*::<br />
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    I am very fascinated with anything that has to do with the universe. I enjoy the zodiacs, and horoscopes as well, not to mention star gazing.<br />
    Just thinking about how the universe is so vast simply picks my curiosity. <br />
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    Asides from celestial items, I also enjoy self defence! I may not be fit, in strength, but at least I'll know that I'll be able to do a high kick to someone's head and knock them unconscious, or dazed, for a while.<br />
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    Animals also seem to fascinate me to a great degree! All but.. ugh, the dreadful frog/toad. I just loathe those creatures with every fiber of my being. Just thinking about them sends shivers down my back. <br />
    My favorite animal can vary from the graceful crane to the solitary wolf. Or even the shrewd snake to the loyal tiger. <br />
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    ::*::<br />
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    Friends and family. Those are who I live for. <br />
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    I reveal my secret known as 'love' only to them.<br />
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    <3<br />
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