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    Maid Cafe RP<br />
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    Hi! My (user)name is Shokatsuryou Koumei, but you can just call me Shoko (or Koumei.... if you want)<br />
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    Shokatsuryou Koumei is the Japanese name for Zhuge Liang (Zhuge Kongming), a famous strategist for the Kingdom of Shu ('Shoku' in Japanese) during the Three Kingdoms Period of China.<br />
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    Kongming was born in 181 and died in the year 234 at the age of 54 during the Battle of Wujiang Plains (forgive me if anything's spelled wrong). One of his trademarks is the crane feathered fan. <br />
    His parents died when he was very young, so he was raised by his uncle. In his teen years, he moved out and lived on his own.<br />
    When Liang was in his twenties, Liu Bei of Shu came and asked him to be his military advisor. Since Liu Bei had visited twice before when Zhuge Liang was not home, he accepted. Kongming worked for Shu until his death.<br />
    It is beleived that Zhuge Liang had a wife and that his son was born before he worked for Liu Bei.<br />
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    That's how much of a nerd I am.....<br />
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    Anyway..... um.... I like to sing, draw, animate stuff, listen to music, attempt writing music (and failing), cryptography, other brain teasers/riddles/puzzles, philosophy (lol Descartes), trying and failing at dancing, so on and so forth (sorry if I'm boring you).<br />
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    Now to be cynical..... I hate advertising, advertisements, people judging others because they look richer, stuff like that. Basically, I kind of think that our current society is a mega fail, but there's nothing I can do about it. Therefore, I resort to making fun of it (not particular people though.... since that's just cruel and not everyone's like that anyway ^o^)<br />
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    Ok, I'm not actually that depressing xD What else...... no political views cuz I'm not in the mood to be arrested..... razz hm~<br />
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    Well, one important thing: don't be offended by things that I say since I usually don't mean what people think I said....... 1. I'm bad with words 2. I'm not really a people person (prefer to be locked up in my room) 3. I am terrible in awkward situations 4. I get nervous easily..... but I just end up looking irritated ^^" (why am i even saying this.....?) 5. ..... i can't think of anything else now xD<br />
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    so yeah razz ..... Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!.....?<br />
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    ~~~~~~~~~OTHER ACCOUNTS~~~~~~~~~~<br />
    Youtube: ShokatsuryouKomei<br />
    VA: ShokatsuryouKomei<br />
    TinierMe: ShokatsuKome<br />
    DeviantArt: ShokatsuKomei<br />
    YT Chorus Forums: ShokatsuryouKomei<br />
    ... you get the point..... if you see Shokatsuryou/Shokatsu then Komei, Koumei (probably taken), Kome, etc, it's probably me xD<br />
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    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
    ^o^ Be sure to check out Marise-neesan's (Mizuno Hikari) Youtube too~ Her username is MizunoTenshiMarise!!
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