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  • Artist Info: Hello. I'm Just...ME. My name is Jessica by the way. I really like it here! At first I thought it was gonna be a bit boring but hey, then I got addicted so YAY!! .... well, that's bad thing too but whatever.... I'm a tomboy, but getting in touch with my feminine side.. well, color wise (with all the pink I really enjoy right now at the moment...eh.) and I'm just another yaoi fan girl.... Mmmm... YAOI... LOL! but it depends on the couple....<br />
    SO ANYWAY; <br />
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    I really love anime as well. I guess I'm a good person (I try to be) but due to the fact that everything depends on my mood, it's very different. If I feel like being nice, I will be nice. if not, well, you know just moody and all that. razz In general, I'm a bad person when it comes to feelings. I don't even know how I feel sometimes! Hahahaha! <br />
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    I absolutely LOVE music!! I love to sing too (although I get pretty damn shy). and at first, I am really shy... you just got to talk to me; get to know meh. I really love and adore all my friends and I spit venom to those I absolutely don't like or hate although sometimes, I let them THINK I like them and aren't annoyed with them yep...<br />
    But I do tend to ignore them if I really hate them with all my heart.... *ahem*<br />
    No, not really. it depends on the person. If I yell and seem like I really don't like them; it's probably not that at all. I would just be taking my anger out on them. but that's a good thing cuz it means that I trust them enough with my feelings.<br />
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    I'm a lazy person but not that lazy. I really enjoy to draw and so far, I know I'm not messing up. Every one whom I show my drawings to say they love 'em or at least enjoy them. smile I will strive to make my art better though. i just draw anime, but just cuz I only draw that, doesn't mean I can't expand to other art areas and it doesn't mean that it isn't "really truly art." in fact, there is art all around us.<br />
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    *ahem* and I like to write as well although I have gotten lazy.... heh. <br />
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    I'm a pretty chill, relax, and calm person overall. (don't let that first paragraph confuse you.) sometimes I talk properly and other times, I talk like any other person would. but it depends entirely on the person. and there are very few people out there who know my true nature.. not just the cool, calm and collected one but also the clumsy, angry, not so polite one... razz but I figure most people are like that sometimes; acting in a different nature with certain people. and the ones who can let you be your true selves are people worth keeping. smile <br />
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    That's all I have on my mind right now... and I figure that is way too much to read.. and if you read it all, I respect you and say thanks for at least getting to know me through my writing.<br />
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    It was fun having you here! see ya! wink
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