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Artist Info:
My name is Cerridwen and I am a Slytherin.. I can be very nice as long as your nice to me and my friends and family. If your not...well lets not try to find that out.<br />
Ummmmmmmmm...I play the flute and I am hoping I'll start the violin soon. I even have my own rock band named X-it. Lets just say, I'm really musical, can't live without music.<br />
I have the best friends anyone could have. We are definently the "wierdos" but who cares? Us wierdos have more fun right? We might have our differences and arguments,(sometimes the over the most stupid reasons), but we will always be sisters.<br />
I could be nice to people who are nice to my friends and family, but if you guys to a small thing, even a glare, you don't want to be anywhere near me.<br />
At times I have a bit of a temper. I do things that I don't really mean to do. Like throw things across the room and punch holes in walls. Most people think that I'm really nice and innocent, but that just means they haven't quite met me yet.<br />
My religion is a polytheistic religion, I believe in more than one god. And if you have a problem with that then get the hell off my profile.<br />
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