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  • Artist Info: Umm, I'm not sure what to tell about myself in here, in case you want to know what I am like I guess you have to get to know me better by yourself. <br />
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    However, I could try to write something... Well, I'm kind of social and at times even nice person. I have bad sense of humour (ask my dad), full of sarcasm and irony and everything nicely twisted. I have few hobbies: mostly creating and enjoying visual art and music, watching movies and wandering outside doing pretty much nothing. I'm a no-life noob and I know it. I read also books to add my no-lify-ness, my favourites are usually fantasy books, comics, scifi and random things of psychology, biology and culture - mostly local traditions.<br />
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    I've always been a drawer-painter, slightly mad, very random and so on. I drink more coffee than you do and I support everything green. I think the world is a great place if we let it be and I also believe in universal love. I guess I'm slightly hippie. Hmh. Well, that's pretty much that. My mind doesn't really fit in this tiny box over here.
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