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  • Artist Info:
        Hello everyone. I'm Earthangelz. A kind, cute, pretty, sweet, considerate, slightly polite FEMALE! YAY! Lol My name is Emily. Here is some little facts about me, so enjoy. Remember, cute! Do not call me by my full username. I don't like it since it seems so formal ish. So, Just call me by my nicknames. I should really rewrite all this. Lol<br />
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        Ok, You see all that? Huh? Yea. That wasn't written by me, but my boyfriend Element. Had this kind of scavenger hunt thing of mystery messages. Snuck onto each others account...and yea. Lets make this clear, for everyone. I'm NOT CUTE. Not in one way or shape or form. Got it? I may seem cute at times, but no. No cute. Neh.<br />
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        Anyway, as the uber above says, I'm Emily. I'm usually called Emmie, or Em. Earth or Cassiel works too. Some little facts here about me.<br />
        <br />
        Birthday: Feb 25. <br />
        Year: Old.I'm just so old, I don't even have to disclose the year I was born.<br />
        Sign: Pisces<br />
        Relationship Status: Taken<br />
        Occupation: Lumberjack Ninja/ Freelance Artist<br />
        Origin of Self: Canada. <br />
        Hair colour: Dark red<br />
        Eyes: Green<br />
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        Umm, what else is there to put really? Oh yes, some likes or whatever.<br />
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        Likes: Disney World/ Disney stuff, Food, Sweets, Baked Goods, Drawing, Animals, Musicals/Music (Don't really have a genre I instantly love. Do like a lot though), Plays, Flowers, Reading, Movies (Don't make me choose my favourite. Lets just say it is a very hard choice. But The 1939s Adventures of Robin Hood is up there), Friends/Family, my doggie, Wrestling, and a whole bunch of stuff.<br />
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        Dislikes: Peas (mushy grossness), Hate, ummm, loneliness, People who like cutting infront of me while I walk, periods, 37 degrees Celsius heat, very greasy food, smoking (the smell of it makes me nausea), and a bunch of stuff I can't think of right now.<br />
        <br />
        Fun Facts:<br />
        - I go to Disney every year<br />
        - Watch Wrestling since I was 5<br />
        - I do not like soy sauce on white rice and prefer things like salsa and salad dressing on it<br />
        - I live in a room that is too small for comfort<br />
        - I'm Master of Just Dance 2<br />
        - I hope to own a business one day<br />
        - I've already illustrated one children book already<br />
        - I want to see pretty much everything<br />
        - I like vintage stuff, like clothes, so, I try to find clothes that are somewhat vintage like. But you know, can't beat a good t-shirt<br />
        - My tv still has a vhs player in it<br />
        - Been rping since 2005 (joined that year. Would have joined earlier but sister banned me from it since it was 'her' thing)<br />
        - I don't really know how to swim. Well, not very well. Deep ends are evil<br />
        - I'm not cute.<br />
        - I have old woman back<br />
        - I sometimes doze off in my computer chair
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        <br />
        And the cuteness continues! ^.^
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        If you can read this, you're probably doing something illegal in the state of Alaska. By the way, Element is awesome.
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