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  • Artist Info: I feel so old. I forgot about the fact that people had these stupid ass profiles. Oh well. <br />
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    Well I guess I may and talk a little about myself here. I'm the better part of twenty years old now, I've been into a lot of things, I've been to a lot of places. I lived in Kentucky, Arizona, Alaska, Florida, Colorado, North Carolina, Texas, and even Okinawa, Japan for three years. Coolest part of my life was when I was surrounded by the Asian Persuasion. Although, I don't remember a lot of it, I was only five when I got there and eight when I left. If you're wondering how or why, like everyone else I tell, it's because I was a military brat growing up. Both my parents were in the Marines. Pretty bad ass eh? <br />
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    Other than that, I'm a Whovian, a Brony, a Gamer, a Metal head, an Active Shooter, a Musician, a Warrior, and a former Airman. I went into the Service to give that a try... But I quit just recently. It wasn't a very "Me" lifestyle. I just don't do well with people telling me what to do. And I got into trouble with the locals. A lot. I've been through more than most people my age, and I have a wealth of knowledge on tap from my friends and family.<br />
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    I love roleplays (The Gaia kind AND the other kind) and heated debates. Barton Town and Extended Discussion is where you'll probably find me, more often than not. Sometimes I'll venture moesy on over to the ole' Life Issues to drop advice on people. I love talking to others, and answering questions, so feel free to ask anything else you need to know about me.
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