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    http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds-home/entropic-saga/g.364899/ User Image<br />
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    Note: This account and my others will be used by two other people at times. Three people in total.<br />
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    "Prologue"<br />
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    Gilgamesh was the leader of the Sumarians 2500 BC "estimated. No one really knows". He had one son. Urlugal who helped him rebuild the sanctuary Ninlil. She is a goddess. Gilgamesh was said to be a demigod.. While his son was said to be a great warrior. As the story goes his son met a women. At first he was scared of her due to her intellect and not being able to communicate with her. He then fell in love with her and she became pregnant. But the women disappeared with baby still in womb. Supposedly she was what was a Illyrian were is now current day Croatia. After a set period of time a man known as the dark wolf traveled the world. It was said he was Urlugal's son. Dark Wolf traveled Europe, Asia, and North Africa showing his prowess against those who do wrong. He was known as a vengeful spirit against the evil's of the world. His used two weapons. A broad sword "Norse Style" and a weapon unknown to many but today we would call it a khurki. He saved a priestess of a pagan temple and was given the name Hiryo Xeoni. The name has no literal translation but Hiryo means Guardian-Protector or somewhat a paladin. While Xeoni means life or all life . Thus the name was given to him Protector of all life. However to his enemies he is known as the Black Wolf Spirit.<br />
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    "Story"<br />
    Hmph... You want my story? Very well... I am Hiryo Xeoni. Son of Urlugal. Grandson of Gilgamesh. Neither of which I ever met. My mother was a priestess to the god Atepomarus. Her name is Le'son. She left my father when she was pregnant with me due to fear of what would become of me. Returning to her native home with her half brother. My mother was half Illyrian, half Norse. Due to her cultural background she was able to teach me much of the land. While her half brother taught me the ways of combat. At the age of twelve there was a attack on my home by berserkers. I grabbed my sword to help defend my home. During my stand I came into combat with one of the berserkers. After I killed him he slashed my face with his axe. Leaving me scarred. As a trophy I took the berserker's wolf helm. Turning back home after the attack all my family and friends were killed but my uncle. My mother lied dead in front of me.... I vowed to never let such evil happen again. Following my uncle back to his homeland I learned more of the ways of combat. Harnessing my skills. On my seventeenth birthday I left my uncle to search for my own path in life. Becoming a nomad in life. Traveling the world I gained many foes and many allies. Those who commit evil shall fear my blade. I wore my trophy from old always. Those who feared me called me the Black Wolf. Though I had a name once before.... I was known as Sigleaf. Though this name burdened me. I left such behind in my past. Forging a new name. Among my many travels I came across a temple that was being attacked. With sword in hand I went forth into the temple. What I seen reminded me of my home village. My blood rage came forth... Seeing the innocent blood of the defenseless. I went forth to kill the marauders. Once I made it to the temple pedestal I thought I saw my mother... A man was over her with blade to her throat. Seeing a odd shaped sickle dagger on the dead marauder below me I grabbed it and threw it into his head. I then walked to the pedestal to the women and help her up. I grabbed the odd blade from the marauder's head and went to leave. The women stopped me. She grabbed my shoulder and said words I knew... Words that I thought I would never hear again... She said to me in my mother's language. "Please wait. I know why you came here. And the gods that sent you told me to give you a gift... This title. Hiryo Xeoni. The many deeds you do will be written here in this tomb. Go forth child and do the will of he gods." As I heard these words and looked at the women. I nodded my head and left. The name of which she gave me stuck with me. Those who became my friends I told my name as Hiryo. This is my name now. And will be what is known of my destiny. As the years past and many of the travels I have had.. And the blood I have shed. I decided there was no place for me in the known lands. Thus I started my travels to new worlds. Going to the end of which is known and beyond. And if need be challenge the gods themselves. For I am the wind.. The wolf spirit of the forests.. I am Hiryo Xeoni.<br />
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    "Ending"<br />
    Hiryo traveled to a known viking seaman who wanted to travel to the Bifrost bridge connecting Midgar. Hiryo went on this journey with this man only to never be heard from again. It was said he traveled to a new world. Finding a portal to another place and another time.... But this was only the beginning... This tale will continue.. <br />
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    "Second Story conclusion"<br />
    As Hiryo traveled with the rogue viking.. They came across a island surrounded by mist. Due to lack of supplies Hiryo and the others on board the ship ventured onto the island....<br />
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    "Story 2"<br />
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    You want to know what happened after I left? Very well... I joined a man named Kygar who said he knew the way to the Bifrost bridge... You may ask why I would take such a journey... The lands I knew held nothing more for me... The new lands may hold the answer I seek in life.. Is there fate? is all predestined? That was my question... During my travels with this humorous man we came across a island. Being short with food and drink we went to the island to seek out provisions and hunt for game. However, this island was Samsey. And at this time Odin practiced seiðr on the island.... This appealed to my curiosity. Also I was battle ready do to the Æsir-Vanir War. The gods themselves were battling each other. Being caught up in the middle of this was would be grave faith for any mortal.... Traveling with a few warriors... We move forward to a forest. Stalking a prey we found we begin our hunt.... But as time passed I heard a voice whispering in the forests.... I could not understand this voice at first. It kept telling me to leave. Refusing to leave I followed a path I found in the forest... As I continued the voice became louder.. And more demanding. I could not focus with the voice continuing to chant... About a half day's walk I found a end to the path. Famished I decided to set up camp and eat. With a few animals I caught I started a small fire to cook the meat. In moments after my first catch was cooked I realized I was surrounded by what appeared to be elves. One particular one appearing female in gender fully armored stood forward to me. She said that these lands are not for mortals and I should leave. I stood up, grabbed my sword... And said I do not wish harm upon any. I am only traveling through. At this moment she smirked at me.. I seen a silver colored hair fall from her helmet.. She then said. You are a brave fool. Keep your arms about you. There is blood shed abound. I nodded my head and replied. I shall take your words to heed. But as of the moment I am too weak to keep traveling and need rest.... The elf then raises her hand to the others and makes a sign with her fingers. The elves begin to march away and she comes forth to speak. There is a camp up north from here you may stay till next moon. You are welcome there. Follow. She started to walk away and I grabbed my food and followed. Some time more I came across the camp. There I sat next to a fire in the middle of what looked like barricades. The same elf women comes forth towards me as I eat at the fire and speaks. She says. My name is Er'auna. This is my camp. And here we are making a stand against Odin's sorcery. She then began to explain in detail the circumstances and all other men that came here were killed by the jötunn. I knew of these creatures. Some call them trolls. She also mentioned that this war is between three armies. And that those of Jötunheimr are now winning. She asked if I would join her in a counter force against them and at the same time stop Odin from casting the runes of charm he has. While this sounded like a impossible feat... And seemingly not something I would do... I said yes without even thinking.... As she left I layed down to rest.. Only to wake at sun rise to combat. A group of jötunn raided the camp. Grabbing my sword I went into the fray of battle. These creatures were far stronger then the Elves or myself... Seeing as how the elves were losing this battle I tried to draw the attention of the jötunn to myself... With no plan in mind I was trying to create a diversion. Two flank me and I slash one of the two but the other got me with his club.. Thinking this was my death I take no chances and grab my curved blade and threw it blindly upwards at the jötunn. Striking his eye. The female elf Er'auna from before then appeared and stabbed the jötunn from behind.... I then try to stand to my feet. I look around seeing only a few living elves and bodies everywhere.... Er'auna looks at me and says. This was only four of them. And they almost wiped out my entire camp. She turns around almost emotionless and stares down at the ground. She says. Odin will cast his spell from the runes. It will defeat the jötunn but also the Vanir. She turns again and looks at me. And says.. There is no hope anymore. This was bound to happen. I then ask if there is still a way to stop both Odin and the jötunn. She says only if they were to get the runs and cast the spell themselves. I look at her and feel compelled to help. Not sure as of why. I ask if we could make a raiding party to steal the runes. She looks at me and says that Odin and the other Æsir have scouts everywhere. It would be impossible. I look down at the trolls and then my blade... I look up and say not if we go in a small party. Three at most. She looks towards me and smiles. She says. We can try. But only a fool will do so. I said then I am a fool.<br />
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    "Ending 2"<br />
    Hiryo traveled with the elves.... To a point of the island where stones in forms of circles each with a marking of birth upon them stood high. In the center of these stones stood what appeared to be three men. One with only one eye. Hiryo and the elves start to make their plan... What happened here will soon be told.... This story has yet to even start.<br />
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    Seeing the road ahead, taking step to step being blind in to which the path head.<br />
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    Losing what I thought was real...<br />
    seeing only fear and lies...<br />
    what was with that which I feel for another true<br />
    though it was not from them? Or for them...<br />
    Pain and misery are a part of life...<br />
    and to which we see not all can be anything we hope for....<br />
    But trying and having faith.....<br />
    and believing that something in life such as love can exist....<br />
    Something greater then ones' self....<br />
    As to which dreaming to what can be or should be....<br />
    Still try for it... never give up... Live....<br />
    Living to the path... And feeling love...<br />
    Gaining your soul back... with the last touch....<br />
    Not from lust... But from a romance beyond the physical..<br />
    To a real soul.... and a real devotion....<br />
    Beyond the boundaries of life and death...<br />
    To lose a fake soul.... and have a faithful soul..<br />
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