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  • Artist Info: So here's me<br />
    I currently host a whopping three personas.<br />
    I've been told I look like I belong in the Shakespearean period.<br />
    People either fear me or love me.<br />
    My favorite colors are purple, silver, and black.<br />
    I play the Double horn in my high school band.<br />
    I enjoy all music except rap and country. And Hip-hop. To happy.<br />
    I was born in Chicago, Illinois. <br />
    Currently active in music and theater in the are I live in. If you want to<br />
    enlist me in a cast, your just gonna have to ask, but I'm normally free.<br />
    My avatar pretty much changes daily. Deal.<br />
    I pretty much speak my mind online, but if you meet me face-to-face, I'm pretty shy.<br />
    I mask a lot of personality to protect myself from un-fair judgement from my peers.<br />
    A lot of my peers hate me, and I am more commonly known as 'demon girl' or 'that freak chick that gives out cupcakes on Valentines' Day' than my actual name.<br />
    I'm me, you can't change it, but you can make more of me hide in the closet. But as much of me that's already there, it's probably pretty close to opening.<br />
    Not much hurts me physically anymore, but mentally I'm a wreck. But only those I trust know what's really going on.<br />
    There is much more to me, but this is all I will share openly.
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